say something about ... yourself!

Actually, the vaporizer (VaporBros) is completly safe for your lungs, that's why I choose to use it. It was designed by two dudes in their garage in California, and its made in the US with non-toxic materials. it doesn't produce smoke at all, just a clean THC vapor. You can also re-use your already vaped weed in brownies, etc, and you can also vape eucalyptus/sage blends, etc. Very amazing device...did I mention it knocks you on your ass?
Btw, it sounds like your friend has one of those spensive handheld vapes...not a fan because of the mystery metals/plastics hidden inside.

Haha, btw, pot is in the bible. Cannabis oil makes up the brunt of the holy annointing oil healers used. Jesus literally tranlates to "The Annointed One." If he existed, he was a dirty hippie stoner.
For the record, I suck at bong rips, haha
I was just messing with you haha, I have nothing against weed I'm just not crazy into it (i don't know about all the different types, pipes etc). He probably did have an expensive one, he was basically just trying to show off and be that cool highschool rebel druggie. I hated highschool when I was there but looking back it was pretty entertaining and having very few responsibilities was pretty cool, it was entertaining talking to all the different types of people.
The weather here has been PERFECT for the last 4 or 5 days. I wish it would stay like this year-round. Chilly in the morning, warm and sunny during the day, awesome colors and sunsets, crunchy leaves all over the ground, winter brews coming into season, etc. Fall is best :)
Proposition mother fucking 19.

the stoners are driving me insane with their hate for prop 19. i keep reading all these sites that are using this bullshit rhetoric about how prop 19 will "take away the rights of medicinal marijuanna patients" and it's seriously beyond retarded. basically it's a bunch of stoners with club cards who are bitching about how it won't be as cheap and they're just selfish as fuck because it will take away some of their rights such as oh so legitimate ones as:
1. taking their "medicine" in a public place (i believe in medical use but you gotta be honest, a lot are just stoners wanting to smoke in ridiculous ways and if anyone gives them shit they say nah mannn it's medical mannnn; take fucking responsibility)
2. won't be able to grow more than a certain amount of plants, aka instead of the gigantic room FILLED with plants they'll just be able to have one or 2, oh noezzzz
3. they won't be able to sell their "extra" medication (this is the fucking dumbest of all of them, i don't go selling my extra adderall to people, even if they actually have add. no one does this, its just stoners getting pissed that they can't grow for a living and sell to clubs or sell weed to regular people)

sorry for my insane rant but it just pisses me off that people are trying to get rid of prop 19 because they have a good situation going and don't want to sacrifice any of the benefits they have for others; i don't even smoke and could probably easily get weed if i wanted it but this whole prop 19 hate because it'll regulate it and lose some of the advantages they have is fucking ridiculous. ridiculous! i don't know if you're for it or against it but whenever i get reminded of it it's almost always by the pissed off bullshit spewing stoners, I have not heard one argument so far against it that ISN'T filled to the brim with rhetoric and ridiculousness. if anyone here is against it and can provide real reasons please enlighten me.
Yep! Laura (dreaming neon darkspot) and I started being a couple in 2006. We've known each other on here for 4 years prior. Chromatose and ct_thrash met each other on here... she was from Texas and he was from Maryland. Now, they both live in Texas. Metalized and Tee (older forumers that dont really come here anymore) met on the forum, and now they're married

This place has given me the chance to make a LOT of really good friends, so it's a good place to be.
Yep! Laura (dreaming neon darkspot) and I started being a couple in 2006. We've known each other on here for 4 years prior. Chromatose and ct_thrash met each other on here... she was from Texas and he was from Maryland. Now, they both live in Texas. Metalized and Tee (older forumers that dont really come here anymore) met on the forum, and now they're married

This place has given me the chance to make a LOT of really good friends, so it's a good place to be.

That's really really cool! I was looking at the "Photos that made the forum" thread and they were pretty awesome, had me laughing. You guys all have really good personalities, all funny as hell. I can tell I like you guys:D
I fully support proposition 19 & the health and well being of the worlds mammaries.