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I just came back from a RR event at a local bar here in Philly.
I had Blind Pig, Elder, Supplication (OH MY GOD THIS WAS FUCKING AMAZING), and Temptation on tap. They tapped Younger earlier, but I would have had to get there 2 hours before opening to get a single glass of it.
I tried Pliny the Elder for the first time yesterday myself. I'd consider myself a hophead and IPAs and Imperial IPAs are my favorite type of beer.

That said, PtE is basically all it's made out to be. I'd heard nothing but things like "It's the best IPA ever" and "Everything about it is perfect" so I had pretty high expectations going in. I tried it at a shop here in Seattle called Bottleworks. They have some kegs in the back of the store and they will actually serve you a pint of beer to drink while you browse their fridges and beer selection. I was honestly having a hard time concentrating on anything but how delicious the PtE that I was currently enjoying was.

It's lived up to the hype as far as I'm concerned. It's probably the best IPA I've ever had. Hopefully I can get a growler filled with it sometime soon (Bottleworks usually fills growlers, but yesterday was their anniversary and they weren't filling anything that day).

If you ever see it anywhere, DO NOT miss out. It's worth waking up early for, even.
aaaand of course I re-read your post again and see that you have in fact tried it already :lol:

I guess if I had to compare it to anything, the closest would be Yakima Craft IPA, but you probably haven't had that either since it's from a tiny little brewery in Eastern Washington. Not sure if they distribute even outside of the state yet. I'm honestly having a h ard time thinking of anything else to compare it to. Imagine every IPA you've ever had and thought "Yum this would be perfect if _________" and apply all those changes and you've got PtE. heh.
Russian River is my hometown brewery! :kickass:

pliny the elder rules! pliny the younger is almost impossible to get your hands on, whenever it comes out its gone in a matter of hours. they have so many good beers, but the few times ive been there its so hard not to just get pints of the pliny! the restaurant is super good too, if you ever find yourself in Santa Rosa you must go!

you fuckers have me cravin some PtE now!!!
I wouldn't recommend getting the bottles of Pliny. I bought a few from a store down here and was very disappointed. It's definitely something best had from the tap. However, the first time I tried Pliny, was from a bartender who was so kind as to share some with me. It was in growler and it was orgasmic.

Any idea why there would be such a difference between a growler and a bottle as far as taste goes?
i dunno how/why the difference happens, but i feel the same about Lagunitas IPA. on tap its quite delicious, hoppy and just the right kind of bitter. in the bottle its got way more straight bitterness covering up a lot of the sweet pineforest hoppy flavor. Stone IPA is near flawless in bottle, and even sweeter on tap. probably my favorite overall IPA.
What did you think of Pliny the Elder compared to other IPA's? So far, it's my favorite since I haven't gotten to try some of the other good IPA's I've heard about.
It truly is an amazing beer, irregardless of style. That said, I think my favorite Imperial IPA is still Bell's Hopslam (I pity you Californians for not getting Bell's), but Pliny the Elder may be a close second.

I tried Pliny the Elder for the first time yesterday myself. I'd consider myself a hophead and IPAs and Imperial IPAs are my favorite type of beer.

That said, PtE is basically all it's made out to be. I'd heard nothing but things like "It's the best IPA ever" and "Everything about it is perfect" so I had pretty high expectations going in. I tried it at a shop here in Seattle called Bottleworks. They have some kegs in the back of the store and they will actually serve you a pint of beer to drink while you browse their fridges and beer selection. I was honestly having a hard time concentrating on anything but how delicious the PtE that I was currently enjoying was.

It's lived up to the hype as far as I'm concerned. It's probably the best IPA I've ever had. Hopefully I can get a growler filled with it sometime soon (Bottleworks usually fills growlers, but yesterday was their anniversary and they weren't filling anything that day).

If you ever see it anywhere, DO NOT miss out. It's worth waking up early for, even.

Definitely agree on that last point. As good/popular as Russian River is, their distribution kind of sucks, but the rare times that their beers appear, especially in the Philly area, are definitely worth it. I must say that their Wild Ales are really great, as well.

I wouldn't recommend getting the bottles of Pliny. I bought a few from a store down here and was very disappointed. It's definitely something best had from the tap. However, the first time I tried Pliny, was from a bartender who was so kind as to share some with me. It was in growler and it was orgasmic.

Any idea why there would be such a difference between a growler and a bottle as far as taste goes?

Freshness. Generally, a keg you get a pint or growler from would be less than a few weeks old from the brewery, but a bottle frequently is much older. Hops fade over time, and the generally accepted (on BA, anyway) time limit on IPA's is three months. I've read much shorter times for Elder.
In general, IPA's are always better on tap than on bottle for this reason. This isn't true for all beers, stouts generally are better after they've sat around in the bottle for some time.
I dunno about where you live, but the rec center/gym I used to work at in Maryland had personal trainers employed by the city, and it was all very laid back, very positive environment. The trainers didn't really have any particular goals to meet except the ones they set for themselves and the clients. No big brother on top laying down the law, as the department of recreation didn't really care what went on in the gym as long as people used it. Just a suggestion to look into!

Thanks, I know some schools have that available but I already kinda know what I'm going to do. I told my boss tonight and he wasn't very mad, he kinda saw it coming and it was all on good terms as he said he'd write me a recommendation if I ever needed one because he thinks I'm a great trainer but just not ready for the intense and aggressive sales stuff they have to do. Tomorrow I turn in an official letter and have one more session with a client and then I'm done.

I'm obviously going to stay in touch with all my clients; they say they're going to take care of them but my mom had a trainer for a long time and when he left they stuck her with someone else and she hated it and quit so I'd never do that to my clients, I'll honor all their remaining sessions via training them at their home with my equipment or in the gym in my apartment complex (which I can do everything I'd do there sadly). I'm not trying to steal their business because that'd be pretty douche but if people only want to train with me or aren't happy with their replacement I'd have to finish their final sessions for free as they already paid for them and that'd be a fucked up thing to do.

I'm going to spend the next month and a half focusing more on school and my other certifications/education (finishing up my ACE certification, TRX speciailization, starting my NASM PES certification and reviewing all my old information and science) because I love staying ahead of the game and being the best at what I love and during that time I'm going to do independent training at the martial arts gym I work at as well as in home sessions or out of my apartment complex's gym. I can do just as much there and charge lower prices since there won't be a middle man and I already know a bunch of people who only want to train with me and thus I'll train them. After that I plan on applying for that new gym that opened up in the area of the other company since I was thinking about it and honestly it seems like the perfect place for me and a completely fresh new start in terms of career and lifestyle and so I'm really excited.

tl;dr I quit my job and am going to study a shitload to become the ultimate fitness master and then work at another gym later and become a megabadass
Wow dude what were you pressing there, 30lbs? You're such a beast, I wish i was as beast as you. I'm sure you'll be Mr. O one day.


Haha for a dude who contributes fuck all to this forum, you sure talk a lot of shit. Who are you anyways?
I introduced myself 3 years ago, even posted a few pictures, but I'm just picking on him("haha"). Also, I credit you for my signature, bravo.
what was his post even directed at? did something get deleted or am i just missing something?

my post from the last page? really? you're so insecure you had to go bash my video I posted a page ago to try to help out people who aren't familiar with shoulder training and demonstrate a few things when you yourself have no idea about fitness? it's a video to demonstrate the techniques and things to avoid, not to show the internet how strong i am in some pathetic psuedo manly pissing contest. get over your insecurities and try adding something to a conversation instead of being a negative cunt.