say something about ... yourself!

hey godhead....after seeing you're deviant art shit, how would you like to do some stuff for my band? as in logo, and art pieces inspired by songs?
Woah, that's quite flattering. I'll be happy to give it a try and see if you guys like it.

Sweet! PM me your email, I will send you over some songs, and lyrics to some of them as well. I really like the Paranoia one. Just take what inspiration you can. You will be credited and your name passed on if you wish.
Watching Biggest Loser and just have so many questions.

Questions like how the fuck can people not comprehend that eating shit food every day makes you fat?

There's a reason why many other countries don't have all the bad food we have in the states: it's illegal to sell it because it's extremely harmful to your health. That's why Coke tastes different over here...all that high fructose corn syrup and shit.

I can't wait for people to start eating asbestos and then sue the companies because they get cancer.