Stay Frosty
I appreciate your videos, and of course a demonstration video is not about showing how strong you are.
id put monies on that being a stormo quoteMe? I'm pretty sure I never said that.
you mean like dis?I really want to get a desert-like Earth-ish tone in the middle part when the drums come in, and it all crashes together.
Big, clean and loud.
Just got a phone call from a badass nearby studio telling me they want me to record a song for one of their classes tomorrow. Super short notice, but I'm free, and have a song that I'd love to get a QUALITY recording of.
Dis one:
I'm planning on making the main guitar acoustic, and maybe slowing it down a tic; if anyone's got any production ideas on how to spruce it up, lemme know!
by all accounts it seems like a real shithole. lot of good bands from there though!Hah yeah, I'm not a fan of New Orleans.