say something about ... yourself!

I think I just ate some bad hamburger. It was already browning, but frozen. I cooked it pretty thoroughly. but there was no exp date and it was not bought at the store, I got it for free off of some friends.
I hate eggplants ever since I played Kid Icarus as a kid.


I know I told this story before on here, but I had the weirdest relationship with eggplant ever.. I hated it for 28 years... wouldn't touch it, wouldn't eat anything with it, and refused to even try it. Keep in mind though, that being in a Mediterranean area where eggplant is pretty much a staple in almost every dish, that's a hard thing to avoid.
I always thought it was the most non-attractive food there is.. it looks like rotten zombie flesh... or dead fish that was washed ashore... so offensive looking... YUK!

but then... 3 years ago... I don't know what happened.. I have seen the light, finally! Eggplant is awesome!! Now I honestly cannot believe all those years I avoided amazing food with eggplant in it! YUM GIMME!!!
do those websites really control the internet?

I wouldn't say that...

But they do wield an incredible influence over memes and the creation of memes. Some of these memes, LOLcats for example, actually invaded print advertising. 4chan often creates far more crap than gold, but when it hits, it hits hard. And it's fucking funny.

They're also an unofficial lair of Anonymous, the internet hacking and rabble raising group, who you really don't want to fuck with.

4chan is comprised of retards and geniuses. It is simultaneously the best and worst thing about the internet. Once every month or so, I'll troll through and see what's going on. It's usually disgusting, disturbing, sad, and insane, all at once.

And it's glorious.

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