say something about ... yourself!

I wouldn't say that...

But they do wield an incredible influence over memes and the creation of memes. Some of these memes, LOLcats for example, actually invaded print advertising. 4chan often creates far more crap than gold, but when it hits, it hits hard. And it's fucking funny.

They're also an unofficial lair of Anonymous, the internet hacking and rabble raising group, who you really don't want to fuck with.

4chan is comprised of retards and geniuses. It is simultaneously the best and worst thing about the internet. Once every month or so, I'll troll through and see what's going on. It's usually disgusting, disturbing, sad, and insane, all at once.

And it's glorious.

haha...interesting. Whenever I'm at a bar with a certain friend of mine...he talks about it but refuses to give me his name. He encourages me to be on these sites.
The GOV disagrees. Every supposed anonymous person is a traceable number upon demand. Happened many times on that site.
Yep. Troll around in there, see what's going on. It will shock and charm you.

You don't need to log into reddit, unless you want to customize your homepage. I unsubscribed from the 'atheism' subreddit, as it's really a big stupid circlejerk herp derp factory. There are some pretty amazing subreddits, if you look deep.

Ask Derick!
Ask Derick!


or really my response should be:

Nah he's saying "fuck you, you Cardassian scum, you'll never beat me, never. There are four motherfucking likes, not three. Fuck off and die you boney faced cunt!".
dork. :)

I received a call today from the guitarist/singer of my old band Down Factor, explaining that he's recently been in touch with a Manager with significant contacts around Europe, and wants to do a new album and tour.

Problem is, I'm just not into that kind of modern jun-jun thrash anymore. It's just not what I'm into these days. I haven't seriously played that kind of music in almost five years; my chops aren't nearly up to snuff, my guitar's not set up for that sort of style, and honestly, my heart's not in it.

Added to the fact that the guys in the band are (though have always been) significantly older than me, come from a totally different scene, and, I kid you not, I sort of think they're cursed. They're always getting screwed in the back end due to hanging with shady promoters and managers (though that's sort of the way underground metal has always been), and shit always goes down that I never want to, but have to deal with.

That said, it would be fun I suppose, to get on the road and do a tour, play some of the old songs, and since I still haven't put together a new band proper, this is my 'easy way' to get out the door and go play some fuckin' metal. It's just that that kind of metal simply isn't my thing anymore, and I'd be faking it the whole way. In fact, I'd be more into watching a different, and likely far better, guitarist playing my songs, and killing it.

So I think I'm gonna call him this weekend and tell him what's up. I still love metal, and I'd still love to play metal, just not that metal.

That's fair. and I can totally understand where you're coming from... Do those guys have a tour planned already or solid plans for a tour? (up in the air?)
Why don't you get together with them and play one rehearsal and see how you feel afterward? You might surprise yourself after one rehearsal with those guys... ?