say something about ... yourself!

I went to a show where that band was playing and my friend was like D00D WE DON'T HAVE TO SEE ANY OF THEIR OTHER SONGS BUT WE GOTTA GO AND SEE THIS ONE SONG BY THAT BAND (the bow down one) so we did and it was awful then we hung out outside. I can't believe people like it but supposedly it's their hit haha (shitty synth in an oddly placed chorus with the lamest chugging ever = cool?)

also i never thought i'd say this but my hair is growing way too fast. when I had long hair it wasn't a big deal since it would just add to it but with the short hair it finally is starting to get in my face and be annoying and it's only been a month or 2 tops I think (it seriously went from short to pretty damn long in no time). I've made due by just throwing some gel in it in the morning and slicking it back a little bit but soon I'll have to get it cut which blows cuz i have a fancy ass hair cutter/stylist person in sf who's ridiculously good but quite expensive. gay i know but no super cuts bowl cuts for me thnx, not after 6th grade.
I haven't had a proper hair cut since I shortened mine. My friend is handy with a razor, I merely have him take it down very short as most guys around here do.

I wonder if it would be worth it to pay for a proper hair cut. I remember being able to get my bangs longer than this without looking like there was a helmet on my head.
also i never thought i'd say this but my hair is growing way too fast. when I had long hair it wasn't a big deal since it would just add to it but with the short hair it finally is starting to get in my face and be annoying and it's only been a month or 2 tops I think (it seriously went from short to pretty damn long in no time). I've made due by just throwing some gel in it in the morning and slicking it back a little bit but soon I'll have to get it cut which blows cuz i have a fancy ass hair cutter/stylist person in sf who's ridiculously good but quite expensive. gay i know but no super cuts bowl cuts for me thnx, not after 6th grade.
hah! thats what you get for joining the haircut rat race!
Just bought my first vehicle.

I mean, I have had vehicles before, but this is the first time I'll ever have a car payment.
2007 Ranger. This is the 3rd Ford Ranger I've owned. The first one i rocked for over 10 years. I got my second Ranger when the first one reached 240,000 miles. I sold the first one to someone my mom works with, and he still drives it daily. That little truck is/was the shit. The second one I got to replace it was only 3 years newer than the first one I had, and it sat for like 3 years before I bought it. Turns out it had a blown head gasket and lots of the parts in the engine rotted away or rusted out because it sat outside for so long. So it's finished, leading me to finally break down and buy something with some serious life in it. I thikn this guy will suit me well. This one is also the same color as my very first one, which I think made me like it even more :)

I forgot how little I get tired when I don't sleep much. It's weird, but since I've cut out my main job (still have 2 other small ones) and the band has pretty much gone on potentially permanent hold (aside from me myself running it) I've been able to sleep 8-10 hours per day. Today was the first time circumstances didn't allow me to and I only slept 2 hours and thought I was going to feel like shit, but I guess all the sleeping kinda gave me a reserve tank, I completely forgot what it felt like to yawn haha.

I know it's healthy to sleep but I think i'm going to try to force myself a few days a week to sleep maybe 6-7 because honestly sleeping life away is just lame and it's absurd how now that I got back from work at 7 am (teach a class from 6 -7) I have hoursss to get stuff done before school that I really need to whereas I normally would be sleeping up until close to time to leave.

tl;dr sleeping is fucking weird as is my habits and expectations.
^ That sucks, did you buy it before trying it?

And speaking of receiving things in the mail, my boots arrived :D

(yeah, they're leather, but such is life)
yes, I just ebayed it.
I have the Ampeg Vh140c and it owns. Dying Fetus still uses it. and Suffocation used it back in the day.
from reviews that I had read it sounded like the SS150 sounded the same but didnt have the chorus channel.
bad news. im gonna sell it and get a Marshall 8100 or an 8200. Chuck used the 8100