say something about ... yourself!

wow i'm really surprised. i haven't thought south park was funny in a longgg time (only occasional jokes) but the last 2 episodes have really made me lol (about half way through this weeks episode). if they can keep up the cleverness instead of just doing social commentary for the sake of it and being really obvious then i'll be pretty happy as now there isn't much else on tv. dunno wtf happened because really up until these last 2 i thought the episodes were shit every week.
edit: except the end of the newest one got kinda lame, rest was funny tho
so you thought human centipad, the canada princess one and funnybot were good? yeahhhhh... no. tmi was pretty good, crack baby was not really (could they bludgeon the point into peoples heads any harder?) and then the last 2 were funny except for the end of the most recent. nothing will top the first few seasons but at least it's not as bad as some of the other previous seasons (that whole cthulu thing was ridiculous to me).
so you thought human centipad, the canada princess one and funnybot were good? yeahhhhh... no. tmi was pretty good, crack baby was not really (could they bludgeon the point into peoples heads any harder?) and then the last 2 were funny except for the end of the most recent. nothing will top the first few seasons but at least it's not as bad as some of the other previous seasons (that whole cthulu thing was ridiculous to me).
the past 2 seasons had fucking amazing episoides but everything so far this season has been awful
The human centiPad was fucking hilarious. The fact that they invented a new iPad that includes duct taping an iPhone to your forehead while people's mouths are attached to your asshole so they can eat your shit and the shit of others, and then what comes out at the very end is plastered to the iPad duct taped to your ass is so funny that I almost had a hernia.
new episodes are way better, besides a few most of them are original ideas just like they used to be before they started the lame episodes centered around a recurring joke involving the newest thing that happened on the news.
This week has sucked balls.
Monday: a giant hassle with going to find my lady-doctor at a different location. In a hospital with crazy parking and a problem with my insurance.
Tuesday: was in a bus for 2 hours waiting to donate blood for my company, with a full bladder. Watched a girl kind of seize and pass out.
Wednesday: Andrew's thinking about going into the Coast Guard and with me in a crazy hormone mood, it was a bad night.
Thursday: Messed something up at work and there's still a chance I could lose my job over it.
Friday: Woke up to find that someone had egged my car. Late to work because I had to clean it off.

I'm pretty sure I'll be going. I find it unlikely that I'll miss a chance to meet Jayne Cobb.

FROM FIREFLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :worship::worship::worship::worship:

Fox executives are fucking retarded dickheads...that was such a great show and they had to cancel it after one fucking season. Yet bullshit like My Wife and Kids lives for 5 seasons.

Serenity was good though.
Is it worth watching knowing I'll share your frustration at it being canceled? Does it end on a cliff hanger or anything? I'm very intrigued but things like that really bother me.