say something about ... yourself!

oh definitely, but that 1% of good shows that are worth watching coupled with catching up on excellent movies of the past still has me overwhelmed with way more things to watch than hours in the day!

throw in all the time i waste here when i could be doing something constructive like starting Game of Thrones or catching up on various horror series/films and its just plain absurd!

Sometimes it overwhelms me, the thought of all the great books, movies, music, etc that I'm never going to be able to enjoy or probably even know about in my tiny lifespan.
we'll develop nanomachines to reverse pathology and live for hundreds of years or be able to download information into our brains like a computer. i'll just download all the books i don't have time to read and will become an intellectual robot.
The real question is: Will we even get that far before we completely destroy the earth beyond livability or find another planet to successfully inhabit?
I would wager that colonizing another planet is a scientific and engineering feat an order of magnitude more difficult than extending human life through various gene- and nano- tech treatments. In fact, it may be that the latter is a prerequisite technology for the former.
I agree, but what good would it do to extend human life so long when we're already pissing away all of Earth's valuable resources and more importantly, overpopulating it to the point of a slow trudging march towards certain death anyways? There needs to be a place to live out those super long lifetimes, right?

That said, I certainly don't want to experience even a current human lifestyle for more than an average lifespan. I'll only be able to handle humans for so long before I want a permanent vacation :lol:
I believe there is hope for a sustainable future IF everyone stops having so many children. Do I suddenly become a awful eugenics monster for suggesting couples only have no more than one child? At the rate we are going out we will use up resources very rapidly and the quality of life will be lessened for the average person, so why even consider extending your life an extra 40 years or so when the same shit that has been going on for centuries (wars, political strife, imperialism and religion, etc) will always be around making everyone's life shitty.
I'll never be able to cope with the thought of non-existence. It's going to be a weight on my shoulders until the day I die.

But I'll also never allow myself to believe otherwise. Pride won't allow it.
I don't want to live forever. I just want to live the way I want.

In other news, I think I found Peter Steele dressed up like Quinlan Vos.

I'll never be able to cope with the thought of non-existence. It's going to be a weight on my shoulders until the day I die.

But I'll also never allow myself to believe otherwise. Pride won't allow it.

same here. i really wish there were something else but i know there just isn't when you get down to biology and the fact that we're like everything else that has come into existence and aren't some special chosen group.

i also agree the one child thing really should happen and make a difference, the problem is in undeveloped places people really rely on their kids to help with work and other things so a large family tends to be important, almost like (wow this sounds wrong) wild animals and how they have many offspring to increase chances of survival and other things. i don't think we'll ever be able to truly quell our insane growth unless the entire earth became developed, adopted the one child rule and stuck to it. we're definitely going to fuck ourselves before we can travel to another planet but i'm still hoping those machines can help increase lifespan/slow aging and be able to really manipulate our dna. as much as it will be fucked up and have crazy world view changing consequences, it'll be fucking epic and insanely cool to see/experience.
I'm honestly confused as to what exactly that has to do with her comment? I'm no Christian and I certainly don't want to live forever either, so what are you getting at?
Goddammit, Max's signature just made me laugh way too hard at 3:47am.

As the people on my Facebook (that aren't blocking my posts) are well aware, I met Danny DeVito today after waiting for 3hr outside of his trailer while filming 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia'.

He added his signature to the ever-growing number of autographs on my original 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' poster. His brought the count up to 11. What a nice fuckin' guy.


Man, I look exhausted.
