say something about ... yourself!

I don't see a problem with dating sites as long as you meet the person soon after. I had a friend who met a girl off craigslist. I had a girl once that I met in person after knowing her on the net a bit. That became long distance relationship and all I really wanted to do was actually be with her, and see her all the time. It sucked being restricted to just comp. and phones even though I got to see her 4 times in total.
I wouldn't care if someone told me that they met their wife from the internet. I don't see how that just feeds the social stigma that everyone who gets a gf from the internet is "a geek/virgin who can't socialize and has to hide behind a comp. to feel good." That's not always true. Those are just negative words to make insecure people feel better about themselves, more impressed with themselves. There are people who are just regular people, like my friend whom actually is a chick magnet (he's the type guy that can get any girl he wants, almost) that will utilize the internet to make things easier for him.
Hm..I always had my share of online 'pen pals' as well as irl acquaintances. I think it's the way most people interact these days-the 'you met on the internet???????? ' stigma is not as powerful anymore. The greatest advantage of the internet to my mind is exactly that- being able to reach people you normally would never meet/get to know in person. Essentially, it can be an incentive rather than a means to undergo an actual relationship.
And yeah, it doesn't matter where you meet people, as long as they're worth it.
Ultimately it depends where you're from. If you're from a really interesting place with lots of different cultures, backgrounds, and such it's best just to go out and meet people. However, if I were from Houston, Texas, I would use the internet. Austin may be a cool place, but everyone I've met who lived there seemed like wannabe San Franciscans.

I'd say if you live in the south, stick with the internet :lol:.
Glad so many people ended up posting, it's cool to get some perspective on what people think. A lot of the stuff though is great in theory, but in practice I've found works kinda differently. Unfortunately it's not like highschool or middleschool where you can just go out and meet people and be like "oh hey I like activity x, do you? oh yeah i do, great lets be friends!" and you end up more meeting a bunch of people who tend to suck or be really incompatible and then it's hard if say those people get clingy or just awkward in general etc. I guess summarized would be its a lot more work, and meeting people who actually share your interests that you'd want to be around, male or female is pretty hard since randomly choosing ends up just getting crazy (I for example can have a really biting or sarcastic kind of humor sometimes which some people completely don't get and think i'm 100% serious and get offended, or the fact that a lot of things piss me off massively which some don't mind and yet others quite mind).

I think definitely though I'm just going to go and try to meet a bunch of people in school, especially in classes that are my major. I guess it can be kinda like earlier schools in that regard since they gotta have something in common and if i see people who seem/sound interesting there's no problem in getting to know them. It baffles me how much humans really need socialization so i'll at least give it a shot and best case scenario meet someone interesting so i can have someone to do fun/different activities with and not seem like a freak loner haha
You also gotta watch out, though.

Last month I met a seemingly cute chick on the net. She wanted to come over. When she got out the car, though, yuck. She wasn't huge or anything, but she was a big one. I'm with her half and hour and she ask me if she could stay the night. I'm too nice for my own good and said yeah, sure. Anyway, she wanted to smash but I lied and told her I didn't have a condom on me, took some sleeping pills and crashed. Trying to sleep now, and she wants to cuddle. I do love cuddling, but eesh not with her.

Anyway, my point is pictures can be deceiving!
yeah this one other girl I met off the net was a big mother. I'm a nice guy...I don't like to think negative (of course I didn't say anything to her) but she really wasn't appealing at all. But hey! we were drinking and having fun, fuck it! It's not like I like her. But that other girl I was talking about in my last post...she was actually way more beautiful in person. God to me she was very specific to my tastes...nice and curvy. And she was also somewhat of a genius, which was a plus.
You also gotta watch out, though.

Last month I met a seemingly cute chick on the net. She wanted to come over. When she got out the car, though, yuck. She wasn't huge or anything, but she was a big one. I'm with her half and hour and she ask me if she could stay the night. I'm too nice for my own good and said yeah, sure. Anyway, she wanted to smash but I lied and told her I didn't have a condom on me, took some sleeping pills and crashed. Trying to sleep now, and she wants to cuddle. I do love cuddling, but eesh not with her.

Anyway, my point is pictures can be deceiving!

Love this story.
Come on. The US is the fattest nation on the planet, how can you NOT ask for full body pics? In fact, you shouldn't have to should be a prerequisite and they should be offered by the other party. It should be a given.
Yes, AMERICAN Samoa is the fattest. It's not a state but it's still a territory.

Actually, the US isn't the fattest nation on earth; it's the fattest industrialized nation...or was, rather. I think the UAE is the fattest now, or possibly Kuwait. Right behind the US is Germany and the UK, I do believe.
At the risk of sounding misogynistic, I've come to believe most women are incapable of being faithful in a monogamous relationship.

They act on emotion and rationalize it later.
John, you're light years ahead of most other men for realizing this. You will come to find out that the majority of women believe that it's ok for them to do something but not anyone else. They are the most selfish, egotistical beings on the planet and they are able to completely rationalize it away.