say something about ... yourself!

I'll be in Casper, Steve. I've already pondered the chances of us meeting up for some lustful actions, but it does seem quite the trek for such a short timeline.

Regardless, if you wanna come do things to me in Casper, since I will have no vehicle, I will grant you administrator access to my internal database.
I'll be in Casper, Steve. I've already pondered the chances of us meeting up for some lustful actions, but it does seem quite the trek for such a short timeline.

Regardless, if you wanna come do things to me in Casper, since I will have no vehicle, I will grant you administrator access to my internal database.

I live only a few hours away from Casper. Just let me know the date and time.
god dammit i'm so torn, the original mission impossible is a movie i've loved since i was a kid (and only appreciated more as i got older) yet every single one since has devastated me with it's complete bullshit. mi:2 with its ridiculous fucking plot and terrible love bullshit, mi:3 with even more love bullshit and an attempt to bring it back to its roots and just being another michael bay esque HOLY SHIT EXPLOSIONS fest. i know the new one will be just as awful and raping the legacy of the original, but my heart wants me to go see it in imax. i know theres no chance of it possibly being anything other than a ridiculous cgi/giant fake set action fest but i love mission impossible so god damn much. fuck you movie industry for systematically raping every single one of my childhood favorite movies (except goldeneye, there are shitty bond movies but they all are so separate and there are so many that they more stand on their own).
Steve sent me this awesome pint glass. Now I can beer it up like a Spectre at Afterlife.

turns out I was wrong, MI4 was pretty fucking good and really surprised me. obviously it has to have more explosions and stupid shit but the directing was quite good (not constant cutting back and forth and shaky cam during everything or slo-mo every 5 seconds) and for most of the movie i was on the edge of my seat. not groundbreaking or anything but seeing it in imax was pretty spectacular and the plot/characters were done well enough to be engaging (aside from the main bad guy who was oddly not very well done) in between plot twists, insane scenes, little funny quips etc. i'm quite glad it wasn't terrible (dear god MI:2, why, whhyyyyyy).
I saw it too in was not bad at all. I mainly paid the ticket to see The Dark Knight Rises trailer (yes, I paid alot just to see that 2 minute baby in IMAX) but it was good. What did you think of The Dark Knight Rises trailer, Enemy?
I thought it was cool but the reason i went was for MI4. I mean yeah it's cool and all, but you already knew it was just going to be another intro sequence of crazy action which is cool in its own right, but i can't really understand the people who would go specifically for that or drive hella far just to see that. that being said it did get me even more pumped for the movie, i can't wait to see it. the new batman trilogy is the only superhero movie series i really care about, the rest can go fuck themselves (especially the amazing spider man, remaking the origin story A FUCKING GAIN? REALLY NOW?)

today i'm going to rewatch Mission:Impossible because it fucking rules. i'm not in the same camp as the mi3 fans (i thought it was too much of an explosionfest and tried to hard at points to bring home the whole ETHAN MAD, SAVE WIFE thing) and really I love the original and quite dig the 4th, with the 2nd being AWFUL and the 3rd being alright. they'll never be able to recapture the magic of the original because big budget hollywood movies simply aren't made like that anymore, though i thought the use of stunts for tension building instead of constant cgi (though it had its fair share) was a nice change.