say something about ... yourself!

My final opinion is I prefer Belgian.

The Racer 5 was much smoother than the Ranger, and not so bad. But the generic (and cheaper,I can't remember the name) Belgian Pale Ale we bought was way better (IMO). I WILL say, I can't remember the last time I got drunk so fast off of beer. The IPA's were strong. But at the end of the day, if I'm going to spend money on something more than a generic malt liqour 40, I'd rather have something that goes down smoother than an IPA. (Not that I can say I know what IPA is after trying two brands.)

I guess this can relate to why I prefer vodka over whiskey and such.

Apples and oranges...

Now that I've got home, and my last beer is a Racer 5, listening to Cluain Tarbh by Mael Mordha, it's pretty good. :kickass:
was my last post seriously removed? :lol:

now, this is an awesome ale:


... who are you and why do you look exactly like my boyfriend? :err:
If I may say something...a love for IPA develops after a while, just like a love for whisky or strong cheeses. It's partly an age thing too, I reckon.

If you're really into your beers, IPA will suddenly make sense at some stage. It's the GOD of beer styles. Stick with it.
If I may say something...a love for IPA develops after a while, just like a love for whisky or strong cheeses. It's partly an age thing too, I reckon.

If you're really into your beers, IPA will suddenly make sense at some stage. It's the GOD of beer styles. Stick with it.
I was going to say basically this.

Just keep trying them on occasion and one day it may click for you. It took me a while to truly understand and appreciate them. I'm glad I didn't give up on them because now they're the best ever :)

Other beer styles can be great, but IPA beats 'em hands down for the drinking experience. American IPA is the best there is. All of the best British IPA is modelled on the American style IPA. Take advantage of being over there with all that IPA just looking at you in the face and drink the absolute shit out of it!