say something about ... yourself!

I keep looking at the little doggie picture I am melting.

I am very well Karen! Getting very excited, my entire family knows now. So I've been getting lots of excitement from all parties related to and involved indirectly! I posted pictures in the Camera/Mirror thread of my belly (I was just starting to show and it was really exciting). I'm finally feeling less... tired all the time! How are you!?
Oooh do tell about it more John!

Haha well umm, we were playing basketball for awhile then went swimming but the water was cold as hell since it got cloudy right when we got there. And that's about it lol. As usual they try to tempt us with weed "my two best friends and I have been clean since Tuesday", but we prevail. :kickass:

I didn't get any hugs because the girls were in the other room when I left. :mad:
Am really sick and probably shouldn't go to school, and then when I went to leave my car battery was dead. So I guess I'll be staying home today afterall.
I'm fucking tired as piss because even after I took a sleeping pill last night, I still wasn't able to fall asleep until around 1:30 A.M. and I woke up at 8:00 A.M. because Spring quarter starts today. I'm going to stop and get a nice Red Bull that will barely affect me but may give me energy through psychosomatic processing.
Am really sick and probably shouldn't go to school, and then when I went to leave my car battery was dead. So I guess I'll be staying home today afterall.

I got my car charged from a electrical charger dealie, but then after letting it run a while, I shut it off and it wouldn't come back on. So, then I jumped it, let it run, and after shutting it off it still wouldn't turn back on. So, I jump started it once again, and with this power zoomed off to walmart where I bought a new battery and installed it in the parking lot. By this time I only had ~30 min left of my last class for the day, so I stopped by the school to drop off a book I had due at the library, and have now come back home. Phew, tough day, since I'm still feeling feverish and sick and all that jazz.

Just remembered I was planning on stopping by the store for some sudafed, orange juice, and chicken soup, I'll have to do that later.
I wonder which song to learn to play it on drums (My friend and I make a little jam each wednesday) I play drums for 8 months now and I play only 2 hours by week XD because I don't have a drum at home.. (But I practice on tupperware and casseroles :lol: and on my tighs..) My drum teacher want me to buy a drum because he finds me good at it and I should not lose ''how to play''.. anyway.. so, for the songs I hesitate between Run To The Hills, Highway To Hell, Thuderstruck..and my friend likes Manowar (I hate them) and he would like to play a song from them aha.. Run To The Hills seems to be fun to play.. I'm learning Smoke On The Water (Deep Purple) it's not THAT easy when you don't know the song, (I didnt listen to it several times..) and the hit hat play at the beginning it's..a bit hard. I'm also learning a song from All Shall Perish (I know that it's harder than rock because we need to play very quickly, but I'm able to play some beats : ) Do you have easy songs to suggest me?
Metallica! I could never stop air-drumming to Metallica when I was a kid. The only thing that kept me from air drumming to Metallica was air-guitaring haha.