say something about ... yourself!

i called will and he was still at his grandparents house. watching Antiques Roadshow. i tell him good luck with that and we get off the phone. then i go downstairs and see my mom's watching tv. and she's watching ANTIQUES ROADSHOW. :lol:
oh damn Max I was meaning to tell you this. Went to Longhorn steakhouse on Friday. Chick working there was like Katee Sackhoff's twin. She was soooo cute and flirtatious. Even the outfit she wore looked like that weird tshirt combo thingy they wear on the show. :)

You should have done something along the lines of this:
[ame][/ame] know, I don't care for Maryland too much. I miss it, because it was home for a fairly long time. But I imagine Ohio to be even worse :/
It's not too bad. It's just we are too broke to go and and enjoy ourselves. Give it time I will probably hate it eventually.

It's kind of weird here. It's like half redneak half yuppie town. We are right next to OU, so there is like a million and one goofy shops, coffee houses, and of course more bars then any town would ever hope to support. Hahha, all that and I don't drink, so those really don't do me any good. There is a piercing and tattoo shop! I was thinking of getting my nose pierced when we finally get settled in. But what I'm really looking forward to the most is the Mothman festival in Point Pleasant in the fall. I am so going!

I lived in Maryland pretty much my entire life, with the exception of five months in Florida where I was born. I never thought leaving would be this hard. My Mom is still taking it real hard. I can't stand to hear her cry :(
How long have you been in Ohio now? I'm sure your momma will get used to your absence eventually. Hopefully...I don't think my mom ever really did.

On an unrelated note, I have found no more tonsil rocks since I've been scrubbing with baking soda everyday! Kinda sucks having to get back there with a q-tip everyday and resist the gag reflex. Bleh.
We have been here for about 3 months now.

Oh man, I hate baking soda tooth paste. UGH! we once had a years supply because I bought a case from sams club. I don't know how you did that with the Q tips. I would have lost it big time!