say something about ... yourself!

stopped at starbucks for some post-work/pre-gym coffee and ran into a friend i haven't seen in a while. we were talking for about an hr and then my mom called saying i needed to get home so my sister could use my car to practice parallel parking since she has her license test tomorrow. no gym. boo. yay seeing friends, though!
yeh, i was definitely meaning that from a caloric/other bad stuff in coffee standpoint not because they are an EVALS CORPORATION. quit coffee and you will lose some weight right off. i know it gives a nice boost but its bad! have you considered meth? all the energy with none of the fatty!
hahaha yeah i think i'm gonna go on a crack-diet.

eh, getting coffee before i workout does give me a nice boost and i wind up burning more calories but i guess i need to start getting just coffee-coffee and not caramel frappachino things. but they're sooo good... *sighs in defeat once more*
look, im definitely not one to be giving fitness advice, but if you're actually working out and putting forth the effort might as well cut out as much unnecessary crap as possible right?