say something about ... yourself!

I get jealous of folks, like my brother, who eat anything they want, all the damn time, and stay in better aesthetic shape than I. :(

As do I. My family are all a bit bigger... but very muscular as well. It bothers me to see people who can keep a 6-pack their whole life without ever really doing anything about it.

Not that I care if I have a 6-pack myself, it's just annoying to know that if I wanted to, it takes a lot of hard work, and a lot of dietary decisions and limitations.

When I try to start getting back into a more physically demanding workout routine (Usually around now, just before summer) I find myself having to cut back on a lot of food... No sugars, no fast food, no deep fried foods... I have to stay very strong on two convictions. Big breakfast in the morning, and a medium sized meal around 4:00 or 5:00. That is the only way I can maintain a healthy weight.

During the winter I usually eat quite a lot, almost as if I need to put on weight to keep the cold off.

EDIT: I still love eating foods categorized as bad for you, but to keep myself feeling good and looking less of a blob, I need to limit it or cancel it right out.
In order to have a proper six-pack I'd need to eat the dullest of foods and probably always feel hungry, and tits to that. I like eating normal stuff, just not too much of it and only fast food and sweets/fizzy drunk on occasion.
I eat big, 2 times a day, and try to avoid snacking. It might stem from a battle with IBS and GERD, since eating like this actually keeps them at bay. I'm sure that if it weren't for those, I'd have no problem keeping a healthy weight.

I'm notorious for overeating and indulging, especially when I believe the food to be very good.


Awww I hope the little guy feels better. Give him hugs for me :(
He's so cute how do you ever put him down? :)

I'm glad he's feeling better. I did eventually get the update post. It takes me awhile to catch up with you guys once I get the computer back.

The about myself part. Nothing new, still sick as an animal. I'm at the stage of a cold where you feel a little better then the two previous days, but you want to kill yourself all the same because your sick of being miserable lol.

I almost forgot! Alex gave me a heart attack today, either that or hell froze over. He washed the dishes and cleaned the living room for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOT! He's never washed the dishes in the 8 years we have been together! It feels just like sex I think.
pizza had pepperoni, sausage and bacon on it. was om nom nom. with ranch dressing, it was beyond om nom nom.

i think now ill go have some mashed potatoes ... with ranch dressing. i think i have a problem.