say something about ... yourself!

This episode of The Outsiders rules. First they were showing people who take care of monkeys like real children, dressing them up and letting them play with kids and other craziness until they piss the monkeys off and get fucking mauled.
i was listening to this radio show yesterday morning and they were talking about that show.

and about the guy whose pet monkey went ... wait for it ... APESHIT on him and tore him the fuck up. the monkey escaped and can apparently use utensils, so they're considering him "armed and dangerous" ... and i just sit back and laugh because humans are dumb.
Last night I was around this horse. I normally love animals and horses but I was extremely fucking anxious around it, for some reason. I kept visualizing at any second it just biting my hand off.

I mostly stayed leaning over the fence *I had a hangover*, and the horse came over to see me and I swear it could tell I was all stressed out and it...was weird. Horses are weird.
my mom was using this can of spray paint and the paint leaked all over her hands so now she's freaking out... stringing together obscenities in ways that don't make sense ("This friggin' piss-ass design doesn't even friggin' work!") and being even more irrational than usual ("Well, I bought it at the other Home Depot and I paid cash there and I don't have a receipt... but I've got the back it was in so they should be able to take it back!")