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No more whitening strips for me. That crap burned the end of my tongue. I kept waking up all night with burning tongue :(

Still burns now but it's not as noticeable since I'm up and doing things.
No more whitening strips for me. That crap burned the end of my tongue. I kept waking up all night with burning tongue :(

Still burns now but it's not as noticeable since I'm up and doing things.

I've never used those whitening stripes but heard that they make your gums really sensitive... is it true?
and what do you mean "burnt your tongue" is it hurtful??? I mean, the stripes?

which kind did you use?

Thanks guys!! It feels great not to smoke for 2 years... going to the gym has never felt better, and I finally feel REALLY healthy! yay!
Oh, being my cheap self I just got the generic brand of them from Wal-Mart, but I've heard about pain associated with all the brands. When I first put them on they kinda make my gums sting, but it goes away after a few minutes. My teeth & gums don't feel sensitive at all. My long tongue just gets in the way and touches the strips too much, I guess. Too much peroxide exposure.
Yeah they seem to have worked a little, but I only used them for two days. I imagine after the whole 14 days they would have worked very well, but I'd rather keep my tongue.
<------ has a migraine, is going home from work to crawl in a dark corner and die.

Dude, I occasionally suffer from that crap, too. It's HORRIBLE! And nothing helps, you just wanna fall asleep to escape the pain but the driller in your head keeps martyring your brain. But the sickening feeling in between puking or shitting out your intestines is even worse. :erk:
Dude, I occasionally suffer from that crap, too. It's HORRIBLE! And nothing helps, you just wanna fall asleep to escape the pain but the driller in your head keeps martyring your brain. But the sickening feeling in between puking or shitting out your intestines is even worse. :erk:

Fuck yeah it sucks... Unfortunatly I never went home and I'm still at work. However now I just have a bad headache without the fucking pressure building in my skull. Feels like I'm hungover.

I'm gonna nap so fucking hard when I get home!!!!!!!!
I got migraines every single day at the exact same time for about 4 months when I was in high school. Every single day after 2nd period, going into 3rd, I'd notice it coming. By the middle of 4th period I was sneaking out of school to walk home and lay on the couch while I screamed into a pillow. I HATED them and had no idea what caused them to come so consistently. The weirdest part was it didn't happen on the weekends, only school days. After those 4 months I would get them randomly but a lot less frequently until they finally dissolved away completely. I haven't had one in probably 8 years now.

I don't envy anyone that gets a migraine. I wouldn't wish that torment on my own worst enemy.
Man, thats fucking crazy. Clockwork migraines. If I got them more often then maybe two or three times a year I'd see a doctor.
I did after a while. All he did was prescribe me some medicine that only worked if I took it the instant I noticed the migraine coming. If I took just a tiny bit too late, it had no effect and I was cast into migraine hell for the next 3 hours.
I did after a while. All he did was prescribe me some medicine that only worked if I took it the instant I noticed the migraine coming. If I took just a tiny bit too late, it had no effect and I was cast into migraine hell for the next 3 hours.

One of my friends used to get those migraines that last for a few days. They prescribed him some hardcore meds, basically sedatives. It made him loopy and just plain out of it for a while. I couldn't imagine getting that shit for days on end. I'd probably smash my head on a rock.
Yeah that's the one thing I was always grateful for. Mine always went away after a few hours. I knew some people that got the ones that lasted days too. I don't understand how you could even begin to deal with something like that. I've never ever ever in my life wanted to die except when I was in the midst of a bad migraine. It really did seem like a better alternative. Fuck migraines.