say something about ... yourself!

I've gotten yelled at for calling a person sir or ma'am. They get all hippity because it makes them feel old. I'm sorry my parents raised me to be respectful. Although my dad calls everybody "ms. emily, ms. elizabeth, etc".
i've never had people get annoyed when i call them sir or ma'am. if anything, i just get older guys who laugh and say "don't call me sir, i'm not that old"

but it's good to know when people realize they don't deserve respect

it sounds weird, but it really bothers me when a customer, someone who i've never seen before, will come up to me, look at my apron and say "Hi, Laura, can you help me with etc" ... dunno, i guess it just bothers me when someone's forcing this feeling of familiarity with me just because i have to have my name written on my apron

*snaps fingers* YOU DON'T KNOW ME!
Some dumb woman kept hitting her car door against mind WHILE I WAS SITTING IT getting ready to leave. I yelled out the window to her to stop hitting my car because it like the paint job. She had a dumb look on her face and started to say something that looked different than "I'm sorry", so I turned up the music and rode off. How do you repeatedly hit a car door? Can you not see it? Is a red sedan with music blaring not coming up on the radar?!

Seriously. People are way too stupid sometimes.

It is ashame she didn't get trapped under your wheel! :lol:

Just kidding! lol, these people make me mad though.
it sounds weird, but it really bothers me when a customer, someone who i've never seen before, will come up to me, look at my apron and say "Hi, Laura, can you help me with etc" ... dunno, i guess it just bothers me when someone's forcing this feeling of familiarity with me just because i have to have my name written on my apron

My dad does that. He'll also say things like "Don't worry Laura, it'll look good on your resume" after you've helped him. A strange man indeed.

My name tag at HT says "Zeus".