say something about ... yourself!

I'll take back what I said. Call him now or no more Cheeto's for you! :heh:

You have nothing to lose!
no, calling him now would probobly just reinforce to him that i am clingy and crazy as i'm afraid he'll start thinking (shut up, it makes sense in my head)

thus, i call tomorrow when there might be a chance of hanging out and not at 10 at night just to confirm that he is still interested in hanging out with me
I IM'd the shit out of Alex and called him everyday! He didn't think I was clingy, he thought I was weird. Oh, and I got afraid of looking clingy one day, and decided I would skip calling. He said "why didn't you call me yesterday?!"
I never understood that whole wait x days or else I may seem clingy/needy/whatever. If someone is so overly sensitive as to feel crowded by a phone call, that person should be thrown off a bridge.

Just be direct, confident, and friendly. If he turns you down, say goodbye with a smile because he'll hear it in your voice and it will fuck with him why you would seem happy to be rejected by him.

We men are such simple creatures.
when he first contacted me, he would respond to my texts immediately, making plans to hang out and then just send me texts about how he was bored at work, etc. we got together that first time, then he texts me about a week later asking if i wanted to hang out the next day, i get to work the next day but start feeling sick and text him saying that i'm just gonna go home and rest, he just responds with "it's okay, i had some stuff i had to do anyway," i text him back saying "sorry, i really wanted to hang out today, but i'm off next wednesday" and he never responded

i texted him a few nights ago again asking if he wanted to do anything on wednesday and he never responded

oh yeah, and this is someone i was involved with before so he could very well be anticipating my psychosis to show through (granted, i'd like to think that i've gotten a lot more mature and stable in 2 fucking years).

i think i'm just over-analyzing everything and expecting too much out of the situation, which i thought i'd outgrown and all, but apparently not
Dead Winter said:
I never understood that whole wait x days or else I may seem clingy/needy/whatever. If someone is so overly sensitive as to feel crowded by a phone call, that person should be thrown off a bridge.

Just be direct, confident, and friendly. If he turns you down, say goodbye with a smile because he'll hear it in your voice and it will fuck with him why you would seem happy to be rejected by him.

We men are such simple creatures.

I get that feeling sometimes, but generally I just suck it up and call. And besides, being nervous around somebody is usually a sign that you actually like him.