say something about ... yourself!

Haha, outgrowing psychosis. The key is to mask it well and know when to control it!

Er, is what I would say, if I had psychosis I was keeping away from others. Of course.

I get that feeling sometimes, but generally I just suck it up and call. And besides, being nervous around somebody is usually a sign that you actually like him.
Unless you're me and nervous around EVERYONE! *shakes fist*

Ha, conflicting body language is fun.
I IM'd the shit out of Alex and called him everyday! He didn't think I was clingy, he thought I was weird. Oh, and I got afraid of looking clingy one day, and decided I would skip calling. He said "why didn't you call me yesterday?!"

It's true. It's not so much the number of times we speak to each other every day (without exaggerating of course), but rather the predictability.

Men have a pattern in all things in our lives and we rarely stray from that pattern. This is why it causes us so much friction when women try to change certain aspects in our lives.
And besides, being nervous around somebody is usually a sign that you actually like him.

My God, you're a master. If it's early in the whole dating process, nervousness is actually really nice. It shows you're vulnerable but that you're also not afraid to show that you're vulnerable.
If you really want to hide your psychosis, you could always go over to his house at 2am and bang on his front door with a baseball bat.
No, see, you wear a wolf pelt and take a warhammer to their bedroom window at just before dawn, yelling something about sacrific... I mean, uh, heh... <_< You bring them a cake!
I do think she should wolf pelt and warhammer instead. It would say "I am aware of the beliefs of historical cultures and strive to learn more about them! I am a female you can go on grand adventures with!"
is it Will?

no, it's the other only boyfriend i ever had before you

i don't even know why the hell it's fucking with me so bad. i was hanging out with him and i realized "oh my god, this guy has the shittiest personality ever" but... i dunno, i guess i'm just more confused about this than anything. we hang out and he's being all affectionate and stuff, which totally confuses the hell out of me so he probobly thinks i'm frigid or something. then he texts me a few days later to hang out and then within the span of like 12 hrs decides he wants nothing to do with me. and it's also rejection on a physical level, which is pretty much the only thing i care about anymore.

now i think i just might start fucking my coworkers.
Just take the Ether Bunny route: can o' ether and one of those red shop rags you buy in bulk at Sam's Club they always hang off the end of the rear poles of log trucks. Nothing says hot date like waking up with a headache and a KY ring around your asshole.
but if a girl hangs out with a guy friend, sexual things happen, guy texts her about a week later asking if she wants to hang out the next day but she cancels on him the next day and tells him she doesn't feel well and then when she texts him a few days later asking if he wants to hang out and he never responds to her... what the fuck is that? and men say women are complicated and hard to read. wtf?

Well, it's hard to say. I never played these fucking games, if I like a girl I call
her and she calls me. I never played this bullshit of casual encounters with people you're not sure entirely like you. I find it quite stupid. "Hey we can make out and fuck but I'm not sure if I would want to date you!" it's retarded.

...buuuuut he might just be not interested anymore, maybe he's ignoring you after cancelling on him because he needs to be 'even'. Who knows, who cares. Honestly, if you can still like a guy who doesn't call you or show any interest in you for over a week then you need help girlfriend!

eh, i'll give it another week or so and if he doesn't contact me i'll just ask him what the deal is
WTF IS THIS BULLSHIT! Why wait a week just to ask him what's up, ask him now. Get it out of the way, why cling onto something just to be disappointed. Like I said, you should talk to him see where things are, if he just wants you for casual shit then fuck him, find someone new.

Awkward schmawkward. If you really like this guy, just call him and see what his deal is. The worst thing that could happen is for him to say that he isn't interested, so you get over it and move on... which is going to happen anyway if you don't ever talk to him again.

no, calling him now would probobly just reinforce to him that i am clingy and crazy as i'm afraid he'll start thinking (shut up, it makes sense in my head)

thus, i call tomorrow when there might be a chance of hanging out and not at 10 at night just to confirm that he is still interested in hanging out with me
You're making things overly complicated. How is calling someone make them think OMG SHE'S CLINGY! You watch too much tv methinks. If I did some shit with a girl and she called me after a few days (maybe I was busy and couldn't reach her [eventhough if I liked her I'd still find a way to contact her but let's just pretend]) I'd be happy to hear from her!

*sniffs the thread* totally smells of hypocritecunt
I never understood that whole wait x days or else I may seem clingy/needy/whatever. If someone is so overly sensitive as to feel crowded by a phone call, that person should be thrown off a bridge.

when he first contacted me, he would respond to my texts immediately, making plans to hang out and then just send me texts about how he was bored at work, etc. we got together that first time, then he texts me about a week later asking if i wanted to hang out the next day, i get to work the next day but start feeling sick and text him saying that i'm just gonna go home and rest, he just responds with "it's okay, i had some stuff i had to do anyway," i text him back saying "sorry, i really wanted to hang out today, but i'm off next wednesday" and he never responded
Butthurt alert.

i texted him a few nights ago again asking if he wanted to do anything on wednesday and he never responded

Well that's not a good sign, ignoring you means he doesn't have any interest. Any excuse he gives (unless someone died or he hasn't left his house in days) is pretty much him trying to claw his way back into your pussy.