say something about ... yourself!

So today during a Computing lesson I was looking through all my old folders of school work from years go. And I found this:

So, I tried out for that Trotsky play last night. I got lots of laughs and did a good job. I find out tomorrow if I got the part. In referencing all of my near-roles as a kid in commercials and movies and such, my mom said "Just hope that they don't give it to a black kid." I replied with "It's about TROTSKY, not SCHVATZKY"...since Schvatza is hebrew/yiddish for "black"

I'm so stressed out. I just got off work and I get a call from the delivery guy asking if I wanted to go with him on deliveries. I turned it down. He asked about tomorrow "one of my two off days for the week", I turned it down.

He's cool, we get along great, and I know he wouldn't call and ask me unless he needed someone, but I just don't want to fucking do it. I feel so bad for letting him down but shit, this is the only time I can TRY to relax. I don't want to go back to work even if it's for awesome deliveries. Please someone tell me I'm justified here.
Handlebar=8 times as powerful as one standard prescribed xanax pill. I've built quite a tolerance, but without them I would have panic attacks at work.

These are actually double stacked white ones though, so they should be even better.

Double Stack White > White > Green > Yellow

Never pay more than three a pill if you ever want to try them.
I'm not addicted I just got fuck all else to do today :( Going to Toronto tomorrow though for 5 days going to see Amon Amarth and Dimmu Borgir! Free tickets ftw! And just a tip man, being addicted to the forums would be better than what you enjoy now :S
I'm pretty certain that being addicted to forums is nowhere near as unhealthy as being addicted to drugs.