say something about ... yourself!

By the way, weed is a skanky drug. Double stacked bars and exos are the best things to be on.
dude, come on. weed is a natural plant that grows in the ground. xanax is a manufactured chemical pill that takes months to a year to wean yourself off of unless you want seizures, panic attacks, your heart beating out of your chest etc. maybe the mexican dirt weed down in h town is skanky, but this norcal chronic is a gift from the heavens!
maybe the mexican dirt weed down in h town is skanky, but this norcal chronic is a gift from the heavens!

No sir. Are you forgetting I get have connects with Screwed Up Click?

Northern Lights
Purple Kush
Granddaddy Purp
White Widow

We get it all in H-Town.

And to answer Kevin, until about two weeks ago I hadn't taken any handlebars in a month or two. I need them for work though, you all know after reading my post all these years how stressed out I get. When I'm on handles, my anxiety is lowered considerably "but not completly", and as a result my natural spitefulness comes out easier. That's why that Mexican got it the other day.
for real man I think you might actually need a prescription for them because you seem to have battled depression before and they are anti-depression meds. But remember feeling like shit for like 4 days after em one time

fuck it, I'm not gunna bitch anyone out for drugs, I've snorted a bar up each nostril before and smoked about 4 blunts afterwards, I mean I see where Johns comin from, that is some fucking fun shit. :kickass:
They are also for depression, and they helped me get over a girl I seriously considering killing myself over. :kickass:

I've never snorted them, though. I heard it hits you much quicker just yesterday.
speaking of anti-depression meds, i need to get on something, it just seems to get worse and worse, my emotions just seem to be flat-lined and just lost caring for myself, it's getting serious. It's effecting the relationship I am in and it's starting to have some bad effects.

time to start snorting CRACK! (jks)
I hear upwards of 30 are being hired immediately at mine, and I saw one or two today when I got my check. They've also transferred two more women into The Product Flow Team, which I really hate because they're useless on truck days. Although, these are strong black women.

I may start slanging on my off days for extra monies. I want a nice car so I can get bitches. I have a decent opportunity to take advantage of two sexy ho's that like to pop handlebars, but I've always told myself I'm better than that and refused to ever give them to females.

I don't know anymore though...

Dude, you don't need a nice car to get you decent poon. It might get their attention, but after that it's up to you to keep it.
Man, I had to read up on this "click", and lemme tell you... these guys sound REALLY gay. I'm glad most of them overdosed/ were murdered/are in jail. The world is better off without these wastes of space.

Well, no. :p

Some of them have done a lot to give back to the community and make Houston a better place. Some of them are a fucking waste of space, but the good ones that died overdosed on codeine.
Man, I had to read up on this "click", and lemme tell you... these guys sound REALLY gay. I'm glad most of them overdosed/ were murdered/are in jail. The world is better off without these wastes of space.
i would have you know, sir, that 99% of rappers are fine, upstanding, helpful citizens, and you shouldnt let a very small few "bad apples" taint your view of the whole lot of them!
i would have you know, sir, that 99% of rappers are fine, upstanding, helpful citizens, and you shouldnt let a very small few "bad apples" taint your view of the whole lot of them!

The day all rappers started being douches is the day they let white people start rapping.

Really gotta kick the shit out of whomever let that happen. :lol:
For all of the controversy and negative imagery attached to the rap music world, its artists often do much to give back to their communities and show support for the young people coming up behind them. One such artist is Houston’s Trae tha Truth, and, in honor of his outstanding work within the community, the City of Houston is honoring Trae with his own day; the first time this honor has been extended to a rap artist. Henceforth, July 22nd will be known as Trae Day. Houston’s Mayor, Bill White, will read the proclamation honoring Trae at 2PM on that day and City officials and several prominent rap artists will attend the ceremony.

I'd like to mention our mayor is white. Democratic, but white. I don't remember off hand what he did to deserve this since it was awhile back, but it was a good lot, and helped a lot of people.

So I just fucked up your argument, Eric. And I have to work tomorrow morning so I'm not responding to any rebuttals.
I wasn't exactly "arguing"... I was just saying, as a generalization, all rappers, post white introduction, are douches and scumbags.

Fuck, atleast the rap of the mid-80's had some meaning and message behind the words. And looping horns. Can't go wrong with a looping horn.

Everything that has been done in the rap scene was done then, and everything after is just a mess of douchebagist "my gang is bigger than your gang" bullshit.
as a generalization, all rappers, post white introduction, are douches and scumbags.

Ok, one more.

I agree, but Houston is the exception. I fucking hate rap and rappers that don't come from here or California with less than five exceptions.

Some of ours are genuinely good guys. DJ Screw was never about murder, he was about sipping lean with his friends, and relaxing to slowed up music.

If you think all of it's messages are meaningless now, at least try youtubing the song "You" by Z-Ro. It's not that great of a song, but it backs my claims.
I wasn't exactly "arguing"... I was just saying, as a generalization, all rappers, post white introduction, are douches and scumbags.

Fuck, atleast the rap of the mid-80's had some meaning and message behind the words. And looping horns. Can't go wrong with a looping horn.

Everything that has been done in the rap scene was done then, and everything after is just a mess of douchebagist "my gang is bigger than your gang" bullshit.

Your right, mid 80's stuff was tolerable.