Seriously, anti-depressants are pretty much THE WORST thing someone who is suffering from depression can do. SERIOUSLY, They are short term "fixes" for long-term problems, in the long run they will make you dependant on pills and more depressed than ever before. See a Psychologist (Psychologist not Psychiatrist), do something, just don't go anywhere near drugs for that shit
Well, it's pretty cheap. With the general Euro-isation of the Czech lands pretty in-progress, the beer is not as inexpensive as it once was.
I live in the home of Pilsner, and Pilsner Urquell is pretty much the best beer I've ever tasted. You can buy it nefiltrovany here (non-filtered) and that will blow your socks off it's that good. It runs about £1 per pint, which is quite cheap for such quality. Good ol' Czech-Only Gambrinus is about 66p and it's pretty awesome.
Hm.. I'm considering going to Prag in the spring with a few friends. Seems like a rockin' city. Any place on the earth is cheaper than Sweden
Heh, we only have Urquell in 4,2% so I usually don't buy it. But it sure is good. One czech beer that I really like is Krusovice Gambrinus is good as well.