say something about ... yourself!

Congrats! Don't you just love when things work out?

It is an office job. I'll be dealing with people over the phones, but I forget what else goes into it. :tickled:

Yes, indeed! I don't even care if the job sucks, it's only temporary. But if it doesn't suck then maybe I could stay longer and attempt to work part-time/go to school part-time like a normal person.

Yay, office job!! Dealing with people over the phone isn't too bad. You get to sit down, at least!
Almost recovered from a bout of what I can only assume was food poisoning. I woke up this morning with a twisting pain in my lower abdomen, and it got progressively worse as I got up and started going about my day. BY the time made it to work at 10am, I could barely even stand up straight. I did a few minutes worth of work and then promptly went back home and slept until 4:30. I never felt sick, like flu or a cold or anything, but my guts hurt ultra bad and I puked a few times. All that's left now is some lingering pain in the lower right part of my torso, underneath my beltline basically.

If that was a mild case of food poisoning (friends have told me about far worse experiences), I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It literally felt like a million knives in the intestines trying to stab their way out. Not fun. Things are better now though :)
Almost recovered from a bout of what I can only assume was food poisoning. I woke up this morning with a twisting pain in my lower abdomen, and it got progressively worse as I got up and started going about my day. BY the time made it to work at 10am, I could barely even stand up straight. I did a few minutes worth of work and then promptly went back home and slept until 4:30. I never felt sick, like flu or a cold or anything, but my guts hurt ultra bad and I puked a few times. All that's left now is some lingering pain in the lower right part of my torso, underneath my beltline basically.

If that was a mild case of food poisoning (friends have told me about far worse experiences), I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It literally felt like a million knives in the intestines trying to stab their way out. Not fun. Things are better now though :)

Glad you feel better, homie. Food poisoning wasn't a fun experience for me. Although the evacuation of stomach contents was a very routine thing when I had it. Every hour for 24 hours. No bueno. Hopefully, you've got that all out of your system. What do you think caused it?
If that was a mild case of food poisoning (friends have told me about far worse experiences), I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It literally felt like a million knives in the intestines trying to stab their way out. Not fun. Things are better now though :)
Could have been a viral infection on your stomach too. I had one of those two weeks ago, only the even more fun gastrointestinal version, and holy fuck if I didn't sit on the toilet with a bucket in my lap, and filling up both of them at the same time.

And like you said, wouldn't even wish it on my worst enemy. My stomach was determined to empty out everything it had in it, including the chocolate I'd eaten and whoch had been half-digested into a sticky paste by then. In the end, I was heaving so hard I literally had to hang onto something to not convulse right off the toilet bowl :erk:
I read your post before I left for school this morning, didn't have time to respond but I was gonna say, lasting pain in the lower right abdomen is a pretty typical sign of appendicitis. Went through that last year and it certainly isn't fun. I hope that isn't what you have, but if it is enjoy the painkillers at least. Good luck!