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Nov 16, 2002
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what scales are worth learning? like ones that will build up my fingers, i know the pentatonics, but thats it. also are these worth spending alot of time on? do they make other playing better?
E/A/D Minor/Major

I have this kickass book with all the scales and all the modes, it also comes with a cd with samples of the styles of lots of famous guitarists, Look for a book like that, they help A LOT. (btw you really should know ALL the scales, but E, D and A are used a lot in metal)
Parasite said:
The one where you hide behind a corner and jump out at someone. That's the best scare.

*slaps u with a fish*

u know what i ment, stop being dificult! :p

the rest of ya, cheers, im looking for all the stuff uv been mentioning. iv looked on, but they dont have much more than just the pentatonics, anyone know some sites with scales?