Scarsick (new Pain of Salvation album) artwork released

Regardless of whether or not you agree with all of his views, I love the fact that the album is actually about something substantial, and has meaning behind it, etc. It goes a long way for me (although the music alone is awesome as well)
No. If I wanted to dissect shit I woulda been a fucking biologist.

And why listen to the new POS? Curiosity thats why, and because I could. Everywhere I go I see it being discussed and about how its gonna divide fans, and how controversial the lyrics are.

I decided to give it a spin, and yeap it sucked balls just like I gathered it would.

So heres to me hoping Firewind releases 20 more of the same kickass CD!

and LOL @ ppl still thinking Pagans Mind insults bother me. Music all about personal tastes, I dont get offended when someones tastes differ than mine.

Fair enough.
Although I do disagree with your first statement. If I found PoS's music to be that exact, that thought out, planned.. I wouldn't listen to it! It's not biology. I guess it's a matter of perception... and that's where our views on PoS (and music in general) probably differ..
I have no problem with America-bashing in general, but this album is a mess of hate and bile. Daniel's not making some insightful observations on the state of the world, he's railing on all aspects of a culture that he clearly doesn't understand. I wouldn't have a problem if he stuck to going at our government, media, and establishments like that, but what the fuck did we, as a people, do to piss him off so much? I mean, his comments on hip-hop culture are full-on ignorant. Maybe he should try living in the ghetto for a few years and see how that affects his sniveling, righteous worldview. I agree with the people who were saying earlier in the thread that this douchebag should be barred from setting foot on American soil.

Which is really a shame, considering the music on this album is pretty good. I wish they'd just drop the misguided political bullshit and write stories again.

I disagree.
Daniel is not bashing rap/hip hop that stayed true to its roots.. The hip hop that was politically engaged, etc.
He's bashing the bling-bling culture, dude...
At the very least Pain of Salvation albums incite discussions. When was the last time in this forum that we had 5 pages worth of discussion on an album that so many people don't like?
Regardless of whether or not you agree with all of his views, I love the fact that the album is actually about something substantial, and has meaning behind it, etc. It goes a long way for me (although the music alone is awesome as well)

Very true. The music's message is deep and provocative, really gets you to think. That really makes it so much better, when you have to think about what you've listened too.
LOL tell me you understand bouncing cars, hands on your crotch, fake gold teeth and being "da shit".


I don't know man, Daniel has shown before that he's far from being ignorant. Until you prove him wrong regarding his observations on the world, and especially on the mainstream hip hop culture (which in my opinion is pure garbage), I tend to agree with him and disagree with you.

In regards to "what the fuck did we, people, do to piss him off so much?", I could go on for hours over here, but I would rather not get this argument further. Someone who sees the "big picture" with different eyes may be a little clue in order for you to realize what I'm talking about. ;)


It's not that I "understand" hip-hop culture. In fact, much of it bugs the crap out of me, and one thing I enjoy about living in Japan is not being subjected to it every day. My point was that I understand the danger and the ignorance involved in dismissing an entire culture based on your superficial observations of it. Daniel, apparently, does not. For this reason his words comes across as ignorant to my ears.

Meanwhile, a person's observations on the world are not really something that can be proven wrong or right. Rather, they can be agreed with or disagreed with. I'm not saying Daniel's observations are wrong, just that I don't agree with them. Similar to the hip-hop issue, most of what Daniel is saying is accurate and easy to agree with. But he goes too far, and issues sweeping condemnations of every single aspect of our culture. To me, this seems unecessarily aggressive and spiteful. If you don't like elevators, Daniel, then just take the god damn stairs and don't make a song about about how the rest of us are hopeless fools for wanting to avoid aerobic exercise on the way to work. If you're so intent on making a point in your music, find a point that has some real relevance to the world at large.

I can't respond to your last paragraph because I have no idea what the last sentence means.
My point was that I understand the danger and the ignorance involved in dismissing an entire culture based on your superficial observations of it. Daniel, apparently, does not. For this reason his words comes across as ignorant to my ears..

I wouldn't dismiss his observations as superficial so easily. American culture, according to many, has sort of "taken over" so that you don't have to live in the US to have an understanding of American culture.

Meanwhile, a person's observations on the world are not really something that can be proven wrong or right. Rather, they can be agreed with or disagreed with. I'm not saying Daniel's observations are wrong, just that I don't agree with them. Similar to the hip-hop issue, most of what Daniel is saying is accurate and easy to agree with. But he goes too far, and issues sweeping condemnations of every single aspect of our culture.

*Every single* aspect? I haven't heard that yet. :P Is he critical? Sure. Are other people just as, if not more, critical? Sure. Do you have to be US-born to criticize the US? Not in my opinion.

I wonder if Glenn received a promo copy of the album. Maybe Glenn can give his opinion on the album, however specific or ambiguous they are.
I never said or implied that was the case. My opinions on Daniel and this album would not change if he lived in the US.

Actually, it seems you did... "dismissing an entire culture based on your superficial observations" implies that because he is not American, his observations are therefore superficial and not worthy. Could be just the way I took it, but if that's not correct, please correct me.

Besides, from what I've heard so far, he's criticizing Western culture mostly, not just American.

Actually, it seems you did... "dismissing an entire culture based on your superficial observations" implies that because he is not American, his observations are therefore superficial and not worthy. Could be just the way I took it, but if that's not correct, please correct me.

That's not correct. The words I typed, as you quoted, do not at all imply that his observations are superficial because he is not American. His obvservations are superficial because they are just that.

I'm an American citizen. If I made the same sweeping generalizations about my own culture, they would be just as superficial and ignorant as Daniel's. I am currently living in Japan. If I made some similarly sweeping, superficial, ignorant generalizations about Japanese culture, they would remain just that. By which I mean, they would not be rendered any more or less superficial because I am not Japanese.

That may have been confusing, but do you see what I mean? You can make observations from inside a culture or from outside a culture. In this case, the observations in question happen to have been made from outside, but that does not change their content nor of my opinion of them.
And why exactly do you consider them sweeping, superficial and ignorant? I mean, honestly man, if you don't agree with what he says on songs such as CribCaged (MTV Cribs, anyone?), Spitfall (Come on, the whole bling bling thing is absolutely PATHETIC!) and Kingdom of Loss, then I just don't know... Have you actually paid attention to all of the lyrics in the album? It's not a blatant attack on America, but also on Western Culture in general! However, if so many Americans feel offended, there may be a reason for that, right? If my conscience is clear about something I didn't do, why should I bother getting all fired up when being accused of something, if I know I'm not to blame? ;)

I do agree, however, that it's possible to make observations from inside or outside a culture, you're totally right on that.
I think Daniel had to poop really bad...and he pooped out this stinking feces of a disc.Man does this hurt to listen to.I tried to hold off until the "official" street date,but I cant hold it any longer.
As I try to find something,anything redeeming about this disc I am reminded of a time long ago when I first played the Perfect Element,how hard it hit awesome it was to discover more and more about the disc,the raw emotions,etc...
Scarsick is mediocre
Spitfall is mediocre
Cribcaged has a few elements of POS
America is awful
Disco Queen is awful
Kingdom of Loss is as far as I have gotten before I had to switch back to Watchtower Energetic Dis-assembly.
I am so disturbed by this release,,,what the fuck happened to POS???