Secret cover compilation from fans

its about katatonia covers.. so maybe a katatonia song covered in judas priest style can come :)
thanks. and anyone who force this judas p. thing, just DO IT YOURSELF and send us. THAN we'll consider it. (could be a hidden bonus track, haha)
what the hell do you want, man?!?! what is this arguing for? Make a fuckin cover here or shut up and move your ass. (noone has any rights, or say, we all have them -and of couse all copyright goes to katatonia. but it seems that i will manufacture the disks, so...) and this project is completely unofficial at the moment. so you really cannot do or change anything about it unless you give your own work to it. Can you?
until noone makes that thing it's not a question, so no need to argue.. and still our opinion can be that it wouldnt be good, but you or anyone can make it against my, our,... will. then we'll consider.
But starting a debate on a thing that 1. doesn't exists 2. noone interested in making it - that's simply stupid (and a little bit arrongant and provoking). No anger though..
This project is called "Katatonia Forum Users Cover Compilation" and not "Sounds like Katatonia Cover Compilation"....

It's a fact, that the rules have once been written, check Valafar's Homepage:
"the only one rule: choose a katatonia song and make a cover song:"

It's done (finally)!! We recorded the vocals for our "Will I Arrive" - cover yesterday, so now it is complete, and I guess we just leave the mix as it is, not perfect but hopefully good enough. We'll send it within the next couple of days, I don't know how but Cis- guitarplayer will do it somehow, I'll leave this job to him ...
Cis said:
It's done (finally)!! We recorded the vocals for our "Will I Arrive" - cover yesterday, so now it is complete, and I guess we just leave the mix as it is, not perfect but hopefully good enough. We'll send it within the next couple of days, I don't know how but Cis- guitarplayer will do it somehow, I'll leave this job to him ...

Cis, need any help in posting the mp3? we are so curious! :)

How about you, Ether? I got busy so will be late. Dunno.
Still new people can come!
Dora said:
Cis, need any help in posting the mp3? we are so curious! :)

How about you, Ether? I got busy so will be late. Dunno.
Still new people can come!

Hi, Dora;

I have our song now on CD; maybe you have to instruct me now; I convert the wav to mp3, right? Then, where I should put it? Don't wanna read the whole thread to search for the link...I hope the firewall (i work at the Charite Berlin, thats a hospital...) will let it through and i can upload it; how I do that? If it works, then you can listen to it tomorrow...

@Dora, I'm still alive:) I've been very busy in these days, but I gave my friend the lyrics and the song to listen to, so hopefully next week we can begin the recording session, even if I'm not very satisfied with the piano sound and still not familiar enough with cool edit pro. Moreover my piano is not perfectly tuned, but, since in a month or maybe less I have to leave again for Germany, it's not very worthwhile to get it tuned now( it's quite expensive) and then not being able to play it for the next six months...
Anyways I'll try to do my best, it will turn up like a kind of low-fi song I guess.
ether said:
@Dora, I'm still alive:) I've been very busy in these days, but I gave my friend the lyrics and the song to listen to, so hopefully next week we can begin the recording session, even if I'm not very satisfied with the piano sound and still not familiar enough with cool edit pro. Moreover my piano is not perfectly tuned, but, since in a month or maybe less I have to leave again for Germany, it's not very worthwhile to get it tuned now( it's quite expensive) and then not being able to play it for the next six months...
Anyways I'll try to do my best, it will turn up like a kind of low-fi song I guess.

not to worry about quality
i'm sure it will sound great!
Our version of "Will I arrive" is online on

Thanks Dora for advise, but a friend of mine (shall I call him Vocal_Cis?) already did the job; if it doesn't work or is not how you wish to have it, mail me, okay? Hope you can put it somehow on the place where it belongs...

Have fun!
Cis said:
Our version of "Will I arrive" is online on

Thanks Dora for advise, but a friend of mine (shall I call him Vocal_Cis?) already did the job; if it doesn't work or is not how you wish to have it, mail me, okay? Hope you can put it somehow on the place where it belongs...

Have fun!

Hi Cis,
this cover rocks! Very various. But it could be better soundwise. You should EQ more Bass to the whole drums. They sound like cut of under 400 hz. A bit reverb on the vocals would be good, too. But maybe you don't have the possibility to change that, so it's okay because it's the music that counts. I like the part that starts at 3 minutes, this doomlike sound. Very good!
This is a drumcomputer; don't have an EQ; I put really a lot of reverb on the vocals, on some parts delay; more will sound worse...
The vocalist wants to resing the whole thing, because he thinks he can sing it much better than on this tune (I KNOW he can);
But this will take some time; we did the recording in my living room, thats not a location for optimal vocal performances; you like the guitars?

@Dora How much time we have until the compilation should be finished?

Guitar-Cis (real Cis is in Sweden...)