Secret cover compilation from fans

Cis said:
This is a drumcomputer; don't have an EQ; I put really a lot of reverb on the vocals, on some parts delay; more will sound worse...
The vocalist wants to resing the whole thing, because he thinks he can sing it much better than on this tune (I KNOW he can);
But this will take some time; we did the recording in my living room, thats not a location for optimal vocal performances; you like the guitars?

@Dora How much time we have until the compilation should be finished?

Guitar-Cis (real Cis is in Sweden...)

Yeah, I know it's a drum comptuter. You should mix the vocals not so loud, because it sounds too naked when the vocals are louder then the rest. The guitars sound good.
i thought about finishing it in august cos I wanted to had them over to guys at gigs but as they wont play in near future I'm not sure if we have any reason to hurry.. What do you think, others? Should we end it some day and make a disk or..? Though I think after all most of the people who wanted to participate have already found here and did or works on it.
Hey everyone!
I just found the entrees here about creating a fan compilation for katatonia and i think its a great idea! Me and my band would just love to cover some katatonia song for the compilation! Unfortunately this will be difficult to till late august so we would be very pleased to have some more time.... maybe end of september... could anyone please email me any details, for example which songs have allready been picked, where to put them online etc.... thanks in Advance!
my email is
my bands url is
The site is unfortunately mostly in german and very under construction at this point... anyway feel free to take a look and download the song we currently have there....thanks and have a nice day...
CIS, pleease, re-encode your song into 192K CBR, sound quality of this one is really bad. Nice cover anyway.
Do you have only modem connection? Do u have the original files?
To all of the artists who have posted their covers by now...
Im totaly stunned and surprised, this is really great work!
I truly love Omerta, this punishment (which i would have chosen myself), tonights music and pretty much all the other songs listed there... this is hard to measure up to, but well do our best! Thanks for the great inspiration... =)
Hey Dora, I've moved up to another state (where i wasnt able to bring my guitar or my friend with the recording equipment hehe) but only for the summer - i arrive back in my state in 3 weeks, do you think the end of august would be too late? I would love to record a cover of cold ways
Oh, yeah, now I also listened to all the songs; great work, much better than on the first cover-contest; we WILL redo the singing of "Will I arrive", because vocals here are very good and we don_t wanna be worse...

So also we need more time, Dora!

Greetings to you all!!!! :hotjump:
Dora, I did what you said (creating an account, etc...), but I can't upload anything, maybe because of Firewall at my working place; I have to ask somebody to do that but it will be at least monday; so far you have to listen to the version with awful sound (or the original...)

And, which other KATA-song can you find in our version of will I arrive? Don't tell, everyone shall find it for oneself...
Hi there again people...
we finally managed to pick a song for the compilation and it's gona be evidence... we have by now pretty much changed the dynamic and emotional context but it still sounds pretty katatonia like...besides that we're very glad that we found a very nice female voice for this project... she's gonna join us when the recordings are finished...a suitable demo will probably available within the next four weeks... just felt like telling you about progress and process....c ya...
nice cover Cis!

Today I tried to record a piece of the whole cover with my friend at the vocals. She still has to get more familiar with the song and memorize it (the problem is that she doesn't like Katatonia that much...), but maybe next week we' ll try to record it. I'm not at home in these days, that's why it takes so long, but I saw there is still plenty of time!
insidethefall said:
hey Unicorn, your version of Omerta is very fucking cool, I enjoyed how you added the ending, you have a good voice too

Thank you! Good to hear you like it.
Bye the way, today I downloaded the "Murder" cover and it's pretty cool. Maybe a bit too close to the original, but I often did that too, because it feels good when you can play a song like the band where it comes from.
I'm glad that the whole K.F.U.C.K thing gets such good response and I hope it will get it also from Katatonia themselves when they get it.
Eeeeeh, I just discovered my cover is also on the compilation site :ill:
It was never meant to be on the compilation actually... I'm not saying you have to remove it but I feel rather uncomfortable anyway, it's way too amateuristic.