Seriously people...

what's so wrong with it? the albums before it are good but vastly overrated. it seems that Chaos AD is being shit on for what the band eventually became with SOulfly and because it probably helped spawn nu-metal in a way (though I blame Korn's Life is Peachy). if you had heard it back when it was released instead of within the last couple of years, after the birth of nu-metal, you wouldn't care. no one would except the fans that were around when BtR and Arise were released.

It's an original album, for its time, that capitalized on its predecessors weaknesses. I can't say the same thing for Roots, though.
One Inch Man said:
This thread = Gay and Lying.

I started listening to Sepultura a bit after Arise was released, and when Chaos A.D. came out I was floored. The riffs are great, the guitar solos are awesome, the emotion is extremely high, the mood kicks ass, fucking EVERYTHING about this album is UNRULY. It's in my top 5 metal album list, definitely. There is a lot of nostalgia certainly, but even if not I know I would highly enjoy this album, seeing how it rules and all. :)

I don't really understand the younger generation's disdain toward heavy riffs, unless of course it comes from a doom band. Like calling Viva Emptiness nu-metal, WTF?! Dudes it's perfectly okay to have simple and heavy riffs, don't let the easily washed out stain of nu-metal cloud your enjoyment level of such things.

Dude, I'm the same age as you and was not very fond of it when it first came out either. Way too simplistic and the lyrics are fucking HORRIBLE. There is only one song that I really like on that cd and I totally forget which song it is now...

Edit: and this is coming from someone who thoroughly enjoyed the first Korn cd when it came out. :tickled:
Erik said:
They totally dumbed down their music. Yes, they were pretty original (immortal quote on "Roots" by UltraBoris: "It's the equivalent of shitting on the ceiling. Sure, it's different, and takes some effort, but in the end, it's just shit all the same.") but they changed to a decidedly more commercial style. It doesn't take a lot to realize that DUHDUH-DUHDUH-DUHDUH groove riffing and simplistic shouted lyrics is going to be far more appealing to the MTV teenage angst crowd than real thrash metal with 40 awesome riffs like "From the Past Comes the Storms". Like with Metallica, they got the taste of commercial "success" with the last good album receiving some airplay on mainstream radio and MTV (videos for "One" vs. "Arise") and then -- I have no doubt -- they decided to consciously alter their sound to be more accessible.
This is the exact reason why I refuse to use the stupid term SELL OUT. Anytime someone's favorite band doesn't do EXACTLY what you what them to do, they are automatically a sellout trying to get more cash. Why weren't they a sellout with Beneath the Remains? Afterall for that one they came to America for self-promotion, got a well known American producer to come to Brazil and record with them, and capitalized on the huge 80's thrash scene by releasing a rehash of what was still getting bands $$$ at the time. Oh that's right, you LIKE that album so of COURSE it isn't a sellout.
Why weren't they a sellout with Beneath the Remains?
Because it still sounds like "Schizophrenia" ;) CHAOS AD IS DUMBED DOWN SIMPLISTIC POP DRIVEL. If you need proof, see whether MTV will show "Inner Self" or "Refuse/Resist" more often.
Doomcifer said:
Dude, I'm the same age as you and was not very fond of it when it first came out either. Way too simplistic and the lyrics are fucking HORRIBLE. There is only one song that I really like on that cd and I totally forget which song it is now...

Edit: and this is coming from someone who thoroughly enjoyed the first Korn cd when it came out. :tickled:
Lyrics don't have an effect on my enjoyment of music, I think the first time I read the lyrics for Chaos A.D. was 4 years after I got the album. :loco: As far as the simplicity goes I don't have a problem with it, I appreciate fine musicianship but it isn't always called for. Especially on albums like Chaos A.D. and Roots were the focus is tribal drumming, even the guitars are extremely percussive on those albums, and I dig it. :cool:

I liked the first Korn album for some time myself, but that album is pretty spent now. The only thing worth listening to is Clown, which still kicks ass.
My take is that I'm a fan of groove riffs and groove-oriented emtal. I also like Machine Head, Biohazard, later Nevermore, Pro-Pain, System of a Down, and stuff of that ilk, and Chaos A.D. is the cream of the crop.
ok let me stir some shit up ... as much as Chaos A.D. is not the true definition of Sepultura it is still a shitload better than any Agalloch.

And Erik ... how can you worship wimpy stuff like Agalloch and think Chaos AD is a sellout? :loco:
Here I'll throw in a few more cents so that Erik can say my credibility is approaching negative 42309570isioug42o8yi4298ys4 Amerikun Clown Dollarz:

The older I get the more I'm starting to realize that Roots is THE Sepultura album. When it first came out, I was in the same boat that Thrash Metal Terrorists were with the release of Chaos A.D. The album was way too simple, it was too fucking long, and was total jumpadafuckup bullshit like lurch talked about. I dug the first 4 tracks and that was about it. But throughout the years I've noticed how often I go back to that album when I'm in the mood for Sepultura. There is something deep about Roots, something obscurred by the 2-riff 3-power chord songs that I'm still not sure what it is. But I do like it, and like it a lot.
I'll strap on my flamesuit and say that while I didn;t like Chaos A.D. ...I used to fucking adore Roots. :tickled:

I probably wouldn't like it too much nowadays other than for nostalgic reasons.
Erik said:
Absolutely, yet people like One Inch Pen0r and JayKeeley like this, am i rite?

WHAT? I'm the one saying that Sepultura became a 3 man band at Chaos AD. I've always maintained that Andreas Kisser has been wasting his talents since after Arise.

Granted though, I do not "hate" Chaos AD. Indeed, I think Roots is better because I like all that tribal Brazilian shit. Those two albums definitely became less "death metal" oriented, because let's face it, Sepultura was closer to DM than they were Bay Area.

But man o man, without shadow of a doubt, Arise and Beneath the Remains are two of my favoUrite thrash albums of all time.

P.S. You might be thinking of Haddsie -- she likes Arise through to Roots the best. She doesn't much care for BtR or anything before, and she's 'against' anything without Max. Funny pun, har har.
Heheh. When I decided I wanted a Sepultura album my mate was like "Ooooh, buy Roots!", I think it was. So that pretty much ruled out buying that album :D I bought Schizophrenia and have no regrets :)
Erik said:
I won't waste my time listening to any Annihilator after "Never, Neverland" so I wouldn't know...

So have you got "Alice in Hell" yet? That and "Never Neverland" are the two Annihilator albums to worship.

Though I will admit to liking "Set the World on Fire", the song.

Meh, if you want it done right, listen to this (from the original pressing) ->

"The arsenal of Megadeth can't be rid they said, and if it comes, the living will envy the dead".

:kickass: x :kickass:
I'm with everyone who says that it's one of those albums that gets dumped on because it ended up being a bad influence (though I personally blame Korn for nu-metal) more than its actual content. That said, I couldn't listen to it today with any enthusiasm and I always thought Roots sucked.
bought a Sepultura album or ever will. A far as Annihilator I have Alice In Hell and Never Never Land , bought them together with the Roadrunner double album reissues. Not a bad 12 dollar purchase at all.
Erik said:
The pockets of the band, possibly. Not much else.
So deep they got booted off a major label (Epic) right before it was released, right? Never noticed this, pretty cool. Anywho, IF Sepultura sold out (no band has ever sold out to my knowledge, not even Metallica) it was with Beneath the Remains because they ACTIVELY PURSUED A MORE LUCRATIVE SOUND, but nobody will ever admit to that because it's TEH TRASH and obviously not popular right?

Billboard charts:

"Among The Living" #62
"I'm The Man" #53
"State Of Euphoria" #30
"Persistence Of Time" top 30
"Attack Of The Killer B's" top 30

Kill'em All #100
Ride the Lightning #100
Master of Puppets #29
...And Justice For All #6

But thrash was never popular and no band ever tried to capitalize on that, right? :Smug: