Seriously people...

JayKeeley said:
Fade to Black.

What's your point? Where were you in 1990?

Fade to Black is metal. Sure it has acoustics, but the chorus is metal, same with Sanitarium. You know this. Stop pretending the band didn't sell out.
J. said:
Fade to Black is metal. Sure it has acoustics, but the chorus is metal, same with Sanitarium. You know this. Stop pretending the band didn't sell out.

My point is, the fans that got into Metallica in 1983 were horrified to hear Fade to Black on RtL. Slayer fans screamed "sell out" when they released SOuth of Heaven. Maiden fans did the same with "Somewhere in Time".

I am NOT saying that Metallica didn't sell out. I'm just saying that it wasn't with the black album, it was more likely with Load.
So for everyone that says no bands sellout, what are your opinions on Dimmu, Cradle, and Satyricon? Not pointing fingers, just wondering...
I don't care what any of you bitches say! I love "Load" and "ReLoad"! Certainly better than the black album, although I absolutely enjoyed that one as well.
So for everyone that says no bands sellout, what are your opinions on Dimmu, Cradle, and Satyricon? Not pointing fingers, just wondering...

No idea. That seems to be more of an "elitist" thing than anything else. It's pretty hard to accuse a band of selling out when they're not selling anything to begin with. All three bands you mentioned were already deep within the underground.

Again, it's all relative, and if the definition is 'loose' then it can't be applied.

You must realize that in the 80's, metal WAS the mainstream. It wasn't underground. Ozzy, Maiden, Metallica etc were already selling millions of albums. The same people watching Maiden were the same people going to see Guns n Roses, Motley Crue, AC/DC. It was all one big melting pot.

As far as I can see, the only thing Metallica ever did was STOP playing metal at "Load". All of a sudden, you had a whole new audience of people into 'easy listening metal'. The fans from 83-90 walked away.

The whole MP3 thing was the icing on the cake.
HAHA @ NAD thinking there is no such thing as a "sell out"

So if tomorrow I publically announce that "well guys, I don't want to get a real job, so even though this is not what I really want to do, I've persuaded Lethal to start playing emocore, 'cause it's really 'in' at the moment I hear, and I need to make some cash. Our goal is to get on MTV and radio and sell as many albums as possible. We will write our music with the sole purpose of making as much money as possible. I don't give a shit about this type of music really, I'm in it SOLELY for the money"

NAD said:
No, that's not selling out. THAT'S JUST CHANGING. There's never, ever, possibly some such thing as a sell out. That you even have the nerve to suggest it makes me want to decapitate you. Cunt.
oh ok
what about Ozzy? From Blizzard of Ozz and Barking at the Moon to No More Tears (Mama, I'm COming Home), Ozzmosis and The Osbournes.

Sell-out? Um, yeah. (and I don't want anyone to mention his wife)
JayKeeley said:
It's pretty hard to accuse a band of selling out when they're not selling anything to begin with.

What do you mean? That if you go from not selling anything, to changing your music drasticly and becoming very famous that its not "selling out"?

JayKeeley said:
You must realize that in the 80's, metal WAS the mainstream. It wasn't underground. Ozzy, Maiden, Metallica etc were already selling millions of albums. The same people watching Maiden were the same people going to see Guns n Roses, Motley Crue, AC/DC. It was all one big melting pot.

I know, and thats why the 80's ruled!

Thats what my tattoos stand for. Its HEAVY METAL, not thrash, black, grind, power, prog, progressive, folk, viking, blahblahlblah. Just, HEAVY. FUCKING. METAL.
JayKeeley said:
You must realize that in the 80's, metal WAS the mainstream. It wasn't underground. Ozzy, Maiden, Metallica etc were already selling millions of albums. The same people watching Maiden were the same people going to see Guns n Roses, Motley Crue, AC/DC. It was all one big melting pot.

So what you're saying is that two of the heavyweights of that decade helped kill metal, or at least push it underground. Namely Metallica and Ozzy, though GNR probably didn't help. "November Rain", give me a fucking break. Ballad rock.
JayKeeley said:
Slayer fans screamed "sell out" when they released SOuth of Heaven.
I think this explains why I hate the term sell out so much, for years and years I avoided this one because NOBODY liked it. Finally picked it up in like 2000 and was so fucking pissed at every magazine, article, person, and everything else that said it sucked over the previous 9 years. That album kicks an obscene amount of ass! That riff in Silent Scream during the chorus?!? AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! :kickass:
So for everyone that says no bands sellout, what are your opinions on Dimmu, Cradle, and Satyricon? Not pointing fingers, just wondering...
Well those three are all on MTV Cribs now with their gold chains and Bentleys, right? Dimmu was on their path long ago, Cradle never really changed from theatrical death/black, and Satyricon I'm not familiar

Actually I just remember one sellout album, this is the only one that I'm aware of in metal:


Why? Because after Bloody Kisses went Gold, Peter Steele said "our next album is gonna be a total sell out and we're gonna get rich." It was in Guitar World (or maybe School) from like 1994. Good times.

please plstsiotjkl
J. said:
So what you're saying is that two of the heavyweights of that decade helped kill metal, or at least push it underground. Namely Metallica and Ozzy, though GNR probably didn't help. "November Rain", give me a fucking break. Ballad rock.
Nah, you can't blame a ballad from 1991 for doing that, gotta look to shit like Every Rose Has It's Thorn and one of a million others from the 1980's.

Nirvana killed popular metal, thank fucking shite. So many awful AWFUL hair bands were raking in the dough and it was sick. Yeah a lot of thrashers got their cash too which was cool, but the sacrifice was worth getting rid of Winger. :yuk:
Didn't you read the above link? Metallica had the MAD MONEY well before the Black Album was released.

Why do I have to repeat myself so often in this damn thread? Screw this crap, I'm gonna go take a dump and then crank Chaos A.D. like I did this morning.

[insert joke about poop and Chaos A.D. being the same]
Wanna bet that they had MORE money after it was released? ;)

It is POSSIBLE for a band to get paid for what they do and maintain some sense of artistic integrity, it just doesn't happen a lot, because most people are too weak to stand against the power of the golden jew token. For example, I really think Maiden pulls it off, because Steve Harris is a respectable fellow with standards, not like that cash-hoarding cunt Lars Ulrich. METALLICA SOLD OUT. No two fucking ways about it. They altered their style to make more money. This cannot be denied, and if you try you're wrong. Metallica is the TEXTBOOK EXAMPLE of selling out. That and Deathstars, but Deathstars totally failed, ha ha.

Also, Load isn't a sell-out album. Load is what happens when you've already sold out, you already bathe in cash and think "hey guys, we can do whatever the fuck we want now." So while it's a shit album made by shit people who need their asses kicked, it's not a sell-out album.
J. said:
So what you're saying is that two of the heavyweights of that decade helped kill metal, or at least push it underground. Namely Metallica and Ozzy, though GNR probably didn't help. "November Rain", give me a fucking break. Ballad rock.

In theory, grunge didn't kill metal. Metal killed metal, it was the grunge bands that just came along and picked up the pieces. Unfortunately, those other mid-tier metal bands all got sucked up into the same vacuum, rather undeservedly.

But bands like Ozzy, Metallica, and Iron Maiden were too big already. For some reason, they survived the fallout. Ozzy was releasing great albums all the way through to "No Rest for the Wicked" -- Zakk Wylde's debut. It is a smoking record. It's only after that when creativity fell into the toilet, for all three bands actually, but their already impressive stature kept them alive to where they are today.
Unfortunately, those other mid-tier metal bands all got sucked up into the same vacuum, rather undeservedly.
What vacuum? The "oh noes the MTV crowd has moved on to the newest trend and won't buy our albums anymore, better get real jobs" vacuum? Fucking ace I say, if you're not prepared to play for nothing but personal satisfaction and sell 50 copies of your album then WHAT IN THE NAME OF FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HEAVY METAL?

Gah. It just pisses me off that people talk of the early 90's SO-CALLED "DEATH OF METAL" as a BAD thing. It wasn't the DEATH of metal, it was the death of POSEUR SHIT (Guns n' Faggots, Poison, Winger, whatever the fuck) -- the true bands that had accidentally gotten mainstream attention went back into the underground where they belonged, and Metallica and Sepultura and co continued merrily posing along as only poseur poseurs can pose.