Seriously people...

hahaha yes! I tried so hard to think of some lyrics from that album and couldn't

didnt the title track go something like: CHAOS AD INNER FEAR YOUR WORST ENEMY

I always thought it was "CHAOS AD...THINGS ON THE STREET...SOMETHING THE PEACE...BLAH BLAH" But upon closer inspection...

Chaos A.D.
Tanks on the streets
Confronting police
Bleeding the Plebs
Raging crowd
Burning cars
Bloodshed starts
Who'll be alive?!

Chaos A.D.
Army in siege
Total alarm
I'm sick of this
Inside the state
War is created
No man's land
What is this shit?!*

* hahahaha :lol: The fuck?!
I remember this dumb DVD we used to play on the TV's with Waltrip and Terry Bradshaw. Ugh.

To this day, I can still recite certain movies due to them being continually looped.

edit - whoops...wrong thread.
what was that hungarian band that is a total ripoff ... the one that NAD wrote the greatest review in the history of RC for?
LOL @ "What is this shit?!"
I have no idea where I got "inner fear/your worst enemy" from :lol:
clearly later day Max and co. worship ... complete with cute accent vocals.

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weird coincidence but Bori from Blabbermouth JUST posted this on his FB page
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reading old threads with me in them is pretty embarassing, i used to be such a huge douchebag

btw rumors are the new Sepultura disc is actually decent ... not sure what that means though.

you will recall those were the rumors for the last two or three or whatever albums too

edit: and the last two metallica albums

edit edit: and the last two slayer albums
clearly later day Max and co. worship ... complete with cute accent vocals.
i just found out the other day, thanks to metal-archives, that the singer of ektomorf is a gypsy, and one of the other members has a past in a white power/neo-nazi thrash band

funny stuff
haha, yeah just read about that yesterday as well when searching for the band. pretty ironic.
Last gig I attended my palms were covered in 27 different shades of sweat due to pushing camaraderie prancers back in to their circular confine of pseudo machismo. Keeping an eye out for 260 lb shlubs barreling awkwardly towards ye is a buzz kill.
but a gig was a gig ... i haven't gone to a gig in ages where I saw an audience go apeshit. Not that I would get involved ... but just a bunch of kids go apeshit.

here's 2 more:

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