Seriously people...


Its a long metallica interview where they talk about stuff and things. Audio.
A three-page argument about whether Metallica sold out? I expect better from this forum. Seriously, I also hate the word sellout and only use it in the most blatant examples like Metallica, I prefer to think of bands like Dimmu and In Flames just getting progressively worse with each album, but to say that nobody ever makes music with increasing the cashflow as their motivation is acting in denial.
Mix it up, throw it down,
We came to play, not to mess around.
We don't care, what they say,
We'll be there tommorrow like we're here today.
Don't do it for the money.
Do it for the thrill.
True to life is what you get,
We're, livin' for the kill.
One Inch Man said:
That's all there EVER is to it. I don't understand why people have this strange notion that as soon as someone doesn't like the direction a band heads in, they are a SELL OUT. You never EVER hear anyone who calls a band a sell out if the band changes into something the fan LIKES.

Another shitty argument. You ever listened to Judas Priest? :err:

I can't believe this argument has gone on so long. I guess I gotta say it again - listen to Kill 'Em All and then that Negro album. Any aggression or energy from the 80s has vanished so as not to scare away the ladies and emo fans (of my mates who like Metallica, that's about 90% of them :loco: ).

And of course at the end of the day Megadeth cut Metallica to pieces so it's no competition :D
Dude you've totally lost me, I have no idea what you're on about. I have no clue what saying "you ever listened to Judas Priest?" is supposed to mean in the context of what I said. You need to like, explain it to my slow arse. :loco:
One Inch Man said:
Dude you've totally lost me, I have no idea what you're on about. I have no clue what saying "you ever listened to Judas Priest?" is supposed to mean in the context of what I said. You need to like, explain it to my slow arse. :loco:

Well you were banging on about how whenever bands are accused of 'selling out' it's only because people don't like their new album/direction. This is rubbish. 'Selling out' is to do with with changing direction at the expense of integrity. Case in hand - Metallica. It's not to do with a band releasing an album that people might not like. Case in hand - Judas Priest. Changed gradually from album to album, and with several big shifts in sound over the course of the whole career. This is how to diversify and sell billions of records without losing integrity and ripping off the fans. Understand now? :loco:
my take on this album is that it is the EXACT starting point of jumpdafuckup stuff ... Korn, Limp, etc. .... all got their inspiration off this disc.

i still stand by this 6 years later ... I mean ... it's THE disc that started it all, PINPOINTED.
this thread would generate 3 responses if it was started today.
btw rumors are the new Sepultura disc is actually decent ... not sure what that means though.
ftr: I remember distinctly when this album came out. My younger brother had it. I remember thinking the drum intro to the second (?) song was kinda neat and I gave the cassette a few rotations in the car but overall I thought it was pretty lame shit. I mean, my little brother was listening to it. End of story. He and his friends were also listening to Korn at the time hahaha
No thanks.