sex communities

hahaha one of the LP people IMed me.. well ill let the story tell itself.

uiKsiLvErDuDe27: sup loser
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: queer
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: faggot
Yggdrasil Epar: hi
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: ur a loser
Yggdrasil Epar: i know
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: who cant get real sex
Yggdrasil Epar: that's been established
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: why dont u resort to rape
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: u got nothing to lose or nething to gain
Yggdrasil Epar: cuz im not a rapist
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: ur a loser in society
Yggdrasil Epar: if i go to jail i cant make anymore music
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: i'm sure thers little boys out there for u
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: ur music sucks
Yggdrasil Epar: did you listen to it
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: sucks dude
Yggdrasil Epar: what songs
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: peanut
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: it sucks
Yggdrasil Epar: damn
Yggdrasil Epar: ill try harder
Yggdrasil Epar: maybe metal isnt your kinda music
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: r u even in a band?
Yggdrasil Epar: no the talent is lacking around here
Yggdrasil Epar: i do everything myself
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: drums and everything
Yggdrasil Epar: i program the drums
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: u cant play drums and guitar at same time
Yggdrasil Epar: but i do the guitars and keys
Yggdrasil Epar: i dont think anyone can
Yggdrasil Epar: listen to some other songs you might find one you like
Yggdrasil Epar: are you listening
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: no i cant have my volume to high right now or my parents will fidn out i am on the comp
Yggdrasil Epar: and you say im a loser? you're the one scared of getting caught on the computer past bedtime
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: wow u would be 2 if ur parents were like mine
Yggdrasil Epar: uh oh someone getting cranky, time for a nap
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: ur stupid man
Yggdrasil Epar: i know
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: u say u've never had sex?
Yggdrasil Epar: correct
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: i had sex two months ago for the first time, and im 14
Yggdrasil Epar: well it's natural for someone of your age to regard sex as an ego reinforcer
Yggdrasil Epar: when you grow up you realize there are more important things
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: my g/f wanted it to its not like i forced it
Yggdrasil Epar: point?
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: she brought it up
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: not me
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: and we were dating for a year, so its not like i wanted it to make me look cool
Yggdrasil Epar: well you're bragging about it now
Yggdrasil Epar: do you really care that much of what i think of you
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: not really
Yggdrasil Epar: why are you talking to me then
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: i jsut like getting my points across
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: cus im bored
Yggdrasil Epar: what's your name ont he board
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: nefarious
Yggdrasil Epar: do you know a minnie876
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: no
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: hey dude, i wont bug u if u do something for me
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: and i will listen to all ur music tommorow
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: u there?
Yggdrasil Epar: yea
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: ??
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: can u close that thread u made
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: i would recommend u close it, because u can get banned
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: al u have to do is go to ur very first post, click edit, and delte
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: delete*
Yggdrasil Epar: i dotn care if i get banned i can make another name
Yggdrasil Epar: besides why woul you want a loser like me to stick around
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: dude please delete
Yggdrasil Epar: i know this isnt about me
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: yes its about me i am gonna get my ass banned and i have posted so much shit i dont want to get banned
Yggdrasil Epar: well guess what, i am an asshole to people that are assholes to me
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: i promise i wont bug u and i will listen to all ur songs and shit
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: yeah but i was just messin with u cus i am bored
Yggdrasil Epar: uh huh
Yggdrasil Epar: this is classic im gonna post this on the other board i post at
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: please man, this is jdrummer182 btw
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: dude please seriously i dont want to have to go threw reregistration and all that
Yggdrasil Epar: not a good time to tell me you lied about yourself
Yggdrasil Epar: keep begging, i like to see you squirm
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: man not cool
Yggdrasil Epar: i know
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QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: man please dude, just delete the post, everyone who reads it is gonna think ur a 40 yr old pervert
Yggdrasil Epar: so?
Yggdrasil Epar: obviously i dont care what you people think of me if i posted something like that
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: what do u want
Yggdrasil Epar: oh nothing really
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: come on man
Yggdrasil Epar: *whistles*
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: dude please
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: i am beggin u
Yggdrasil Epar: i know you're begging
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: dude why u doin this
Yggdrasil Epar: scroll up
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: i know i was an ass but i was just messin around
Yggdrasil Epar: im just messing around too
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: why would i purposly be an ass to u then ask a favor from u
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: thats how i mess around with people
Yggdrasil Epar: who knows
Yggdrasil Epar: maybe you shoudlve thought out your plan
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: how old r u
Yggdrasil Epar: 19
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: i am only 14, u gotta feel sorry for me
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: a little kid beggin u to do somethin
Yggdrasil Epar: yea but you're better than me since you had sex
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: so what dude, its no big deal
Yggdrasil Epar: yea it is, it makes me a loser and pathetic and you are super cool and mighty
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: anyways if u have 100 bucks u can go out and by someone to have sex with
Yggdrasil Epar: so why do you need to come to me to beg
Yggdrasil Epar: i am lower than you
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: please delete it dude
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: cus u have the almighty power of deleting ur thread
Yggdrasil Epar: this is fun, keep begging
Yggdrasil Epar: you do realize you mean nothing to me and i dont really give a shit what happens to you
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: yes, but dont u want to do something good for people
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: like creating music
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: thats something good
Yggdrasil Epar: lol
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: and deleting post so people dont get banned
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: thats good also
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: ah fuck u cock suck
QuiKsiLvErDuDe27: i dont care about this fuckin forum anyways :err:

Thats what I wanna know...its only a fucking forum on the internet.

Its also hilarious how little he knows about what you are like...:lol: (this is most likely not an insult, but it could be :p )
ahahahhaah :lol: for once man.. I'm really glad you're part of this forum...

It's kinda funny how by now everyone here's been desensitized to that kind of thing... yet when you cross the fence to the other crowd, they start the flaming.

great convo btw :lol:
You're really not gonna come across many of them... not many people in their right mind just give pictures of themselves out to people in the internet... even people they've 'known' for ages.

At best you'll get a slightly revealing normal picture