Sex Tranquillity

Originally posted by Villain
-Villain (who is against marriages and who has some difficulties tolerating jobs like assassinating small kids, torturing people with differing opinions, eating the penises of short Scandinavian metalheads, etc...)

Ohhh, shit! I love torturing! On the other hand, eating penises could be dangerous to your mental health.

Originally posted by the bu girl
well, i want to get married

Don't worry, just wait for my proposal of marriage. I'm used to do it with italian girls, lately. Is like a hobbie for me. :loco: (No, isn't a bu menace) :grin:

|ng: the point of a marriage is that, at least theoretically, you just marry _one_ person. I know that there is no surefire equivalence between proposing and marrying, but I still find it peculiar that you're proposing a number of girls greater than one.

hyena (bubu experience)
Originally posted by rahvin
and then gave them back to the cares of the dragon i subtracted them to in the first place, especially if they become too attached and start complaining. :muahaha:
i'm not a charity fund, you know. :rolleyes: :p
Did it ever occur to you that since they start complaining they might actually think they are better off with the dragon? :rolleyes:

Siren ( :heh: :p)
Originally posted by Siren

Did it ever occur to you that since they start complaining they might actually think they are better off with the dragon? :rolleyes:

then i give everybody what they want. that's what heroes are about, right? :Smug:

rahvin. (think you got balls? we can see how large when the music stops)
@Hyena: Of course, when you put the theory into action you can see crystal clear that the statistic results talk themselves. I mean, if you make several proposals, you should find a marriage agreement, sooner or later. :grin: :p

On the other hand, I wanna break that law of "marry just one person at the time". I vote for collective weddings.

|ngenius (Another useful post from an useless mind)
I vote for collective weddings too! Or no weddings at all maybe? :p
How about we all get married to each other in this board? :grin: :loco:

Siren (off to sleep err study err do smt instead of silly posts ;))
@mousewings: i'm afraid all get married to each other means exactly that everybodt ends up being married with everybody else. :s
my worst fear is that i should be married to alfred too. :eek:

@Siren, we shall introduce you to a friend of ours, one Wolfy who keeps on claiming we should _all_ get engaged (me, him, and rahvin) together. You might have a future: it's hard to find people who agree on such weird points :)

hyena (ha!)
Hmmm i didn't put it correctly i fear...
Maybe i should have said: every female person gets married to all males, and every male person gets married to all the females. Or something like that :p

Siren (straight and joking :grin: )
Originally posted by rahvin

ut supra :muahaha:
Ok, what does that mean mr mod? :p
Anywayz i have a good excuse not wanting to get engaged to wolfy. ;)
And this board is becoming dead, this thread is the only one that seems to have some traces of life in it :err:

1. it means: exactly like before, as in "i doubt this is going to be a relevant issue in our good friend wolfy's book anyway. "

2. there are no good excuses for rejecting our friend, only pitiful ones.

3. you saying every ten seconds this board is dead is the only very annoying thing i've seen on this board as of late.


1. thanks for the translation
2. oh, believe me, there are :grin:
3. i'm sorry if expressing my opinion (which imo again is expressing the existence of a problem) is so annoying to you, but then i couldn't care less :)

the board is dead because we're on a summer weekend. people normally go out instead of staying at home writing on the board. me, i have to stay in because, in my proud quest to become a central wanker, i am studying as much as i can, and rahvin has to stay in because of reasons *he* will tell you if *he* wants to. you? i have no clue. other folks might have gone swimming or out with friends. wait until monday and you will see everyone posting from their workplace as well.

as for wolfy, you'd better take the deal: it's the closest to rahvin you can aspire to, not as in "similar to", but as in "one of his best friends". he does not know latin and he has pretty low standards, so there you go :tickled:

hyena (annoying)
@hyena: the prob is not just this summer weekend. it's not about ppl not posting just today. a lot of respectful people have left the board or have stopped posting as much, either because they're too busy with their own lives (which is perfectly ok) or because they don't like the board anymore. but you shouldn't know since you probably never even met in here most of them.
as for why _i_'m staying in in a summer weekend, let me tell you that _my_ summer will start in approximately a month for reasons i don't want to tell you :) and with my environment and "habits", i never thought this time of year as a vacation-time.

as for poor wolfy, being close to rahvin (either way you would like to see it) is maybe enough reason to reject him. let alone the fact that he even _thinks_ of marrying rahve ;) :p

Originally posted by |ngenius
[BBut the true love (sth similar to the true metal? :grin: ) is a condition necessary for me.
|ng. [/B]

This idea of "true love" is actually quite interesting.
Maybe I don't get the exact meaning you "award" to the word itself... is it "true" in which terms?
Duration, depth, effects?
Or true as one and only, everlasting and indubitable, tempations-proof?

I subscribe this true love thing- when true love is "true" (=all I wrote) just for the few seconds-minutes-hours, sometimes months I can think about it.
For these reasone, I wouldn't underline the "one" true love, as the "one" truth or anything that's going to be absolut.

People have the power to change their mind, and quite often...

@atlantis: some ppl call true love some decent equilibrium they can find in their life with one significant other, the sort of equilibrium that doesn't just crumble as soon as you turn the next corner. as far as definitions go i think it's quite allright - and possibly what |ngenius had in mind - plus it has the inner bonus of not indulging too much on philosophical almost unsolvable issues, which tends to be a good thing overall.
other ppl have no idea what they're ranting about, of course, and wave the banner of tr00 love as an absolute no matter what happens. usually they're also those that change their mind most often. :)
