Shaun Of The Dead

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Is by far the best zombie flick made in a LONG LONG time!! Might even be my fave zombie flick ever now. I highly recommend it!!!!

Best "horror" film (if you'd call it that, more of a comedy, or "Rom Zom Com" as they call it) that has come out in YEARS!!!! So fresh, original, hilarious and the zombie aspect is unreal and the most classic real zombie style stuff to come out since the '80s!

For those who don't know, it's an independent British film, a quirky romantic comedy about a guy call Shaun who spends his life at the local pub and loses his girlfriend trying to get her back. Somehow it takes a turn and becomes like Dawn Of The Dead and they end up running around attacking zombies with cricket bats & Dire Straits records!

Best movie of 2004 by far!!!!!! You don't even have to be into horror/zombie flicks to dig it coz its just a GREAT hilarious comedy too. The world's first Romantic Zombie Comedy!
I HATED Dog Soldiers. I found that it came across like it was trying too hard to be one of those "cool American movies" that aren't cool anyway but try too hard to be cool themselves. ie. EVERY SINGLE ACTION MOVIE IN THE LAST 10 YEARS! I can't stand the dialogue in new action films, it's always SO forced and the one-liners are totally not funny and come across like they are trying to way too hard to be funny, and I dunno...

See I can't put it into words but nearly every movie that comes out in the last 10 years I can't even sit and watch because there is just something about them that SHITS me. It's something to do with them taking themselves too seriously but its more than that too... and Dog Soldiers was no exception. I just sat there thinking it was fucking lame and somebody needed to re-write all the dialogue, change the music score and just handle it differently all together really. Seriously, these days I'm sceptical about every movie that comes out unless its a comedy. Comedies are the only new movies I really like for the most part (there are exceptions of course) because they never have any of those problems or annoy me. All they try to be is funny, so if it makes me laugh its done its job and most of the time that's the case.

Shaun Of The Dead I found to be a breath of fresh air finally. It was inventive, witty, quirky, lighthearted, never took itself seriously yet excelled in every genre it tackled and combined them perfectly, and just came across as being so fresh.

And I have to say that the remake of Dawn Of The Dead as well was excellent and that is also one of the best horror films to have come out in a LONG time (but Shaun Of The Dead was even way better). And I usually can't stand remakes in any form or shape so that's a pretty big compliment from me...

My favourite horror films of all time would have to be:

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Bloodsucking Freaks
Basket Case
I Spit On Your Grave
Deep Red
Mother's Day
Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers

I think the thing with me is that in a horror film, unless its a comedy horror sometimes (but even with them alot of the time), the main thing I look for is the mood. If it ain't got a vibe/atmosphere I'm getting into I can't get into the movie really, and that's exactly what most new horror flicks are missing... any kind of charm or vibe.
My list of great horror movies is this

Night of the living dead
dawn of the dead
dawn of the dead(remake)
Evil Dead
Evil Dead 2
Bad Taste
An American werewolf in london
The Paris Hilton sex videos.
The Shining & Evil Dead are also awesome :headbang: And the "Dead" films of course... and A Night In Paris hahahahaha! Anybody seen the extended DVD version hosted by the guy who screwed her? It's unreal haha!
Goreripper said:
The chase scene in Tenebrae is one of the best, most suspenseful moments in cinema.
The ending is also one of the best climax's in a horror film. And the opening scene of Suspiria is by far the best opening ever in a horror film (not to mention the most intense murder scene!).

Dario is the king!
Icarus said:
Demons :headbang: The movie itself is awesome and the soundtrack just makes it even better
Motley Crue, Pretty Maids, Saxon, Accept, Billy Idol... and the music score by Goblin :headbang:

The film Dario Argento made after Tenebrae, which is called Phenomena or Creepers depending on which release it is, has Flash Of The Blade by Iron Maiden about 10 times during the movie, every chase scene kicks into that riff haha!
Goblin wrote the best horror movie scores of all time.

Especially in Suspiria... but also Deep Red, Tenebrae... unbelievable!
How come you thought I wouldn't like it? Haha.

When it comes to movie scores I like whatever suits the movie and nothing created the perfect nightmare atmosphere in a horror film like a Goblin/Argento score!

If horror films today had scores like that I'd probably like them alot more because nothing fucks up a horror film worse than when you get a big orchestrated Hollywood chase scene style music score happening and killing the mood.

Also, I'm SURE that the intro of the opening music in Shaun Of The Dead is the same music that was used in a MEGA-low budget horror film I have called Fiend. It was unreal!
Yeah it's not the kind of music I'd probably listen to at home just for fun but in a horror film it is the best you can get..