Only is not a bad song. There's a few from SOWN that I can jam. However, it's fuckin' BORING live compared to the rest of their faster songs. It's brutally obvious when you're at the show and they're playing that song and the intensity of the crowd just withers. I think fans can bitch as much as they want considering Anthrax has Joey back in the band, but they're playing Only over anything from POT. This is how I feel although I'm not too up-in-arms about it, otherwise I wouldn't be going to 2 out of 3 TX dates.
People trying to stick up for them for playing Only over POT stuff or trying to excuse that in some way is just as old as people hating on them for playing that song. Oh, and next time I'll try to remember to remind myself of how much cooler you are than me for becoming a member of this board when Anthrax sucked balls.