Shit talking, backstabbing and WAR TIME LIKE

Ivo said:
btw, is there a time when you ain't pissed, i mean being in a relaxed and calm state like? i don't remember seeing you like that:confused:

haha. I'm not pissed now. I'm rarely pissed, just sad. Though I have been pushed. I'm calm most of the time....till I go right over the edge and I never see it coming. That's when I snap in real life, I become dangerous. Thing is, if you've made yourself my enemy, I never change my mind. Ever. It's for life. That's what people pick up on, even through the internet. So if you don't feel like you're my enemy, you're not. I have very few of them but I do have them, most definitely. }: I've made some full fledged enemies online. They know who they are. None here though. Most of the time here I'm playing and people get really thinking I'm mad when I'm not.
If you're not my enemy I like you, cause i like everyone. I'm never really pissed, just blunt.

edit: there is one person online that really doesn't know yet if he's a friend or an enemy of mine. What a fool.
nomana-nuniyan said:
...If you're not my enemy I like you, cause i like everyone. I'm never really pissed, just blunt.
honey, i'm not your enemy, never was, i just like teasing you sometimes :)
can't you feel that love is in the air...:p
Bastet said:
peace! flowers! freedom! happiness!:)

love, yes, but i hope it isn't as fake as the ppl in the pic!

spot on!! :loco:

i dont get either! i was there in my own little happy lil world like, me and autumnshpere and all the smiley others and then all this stuff starts up about swords and wars and boots and that :erk: i was aware anyone was being nasty about us on other boards :( i see dragonlady as my e-big sis, she'll protect me....
'where have all the flowers gone?'
Oh wait wait wait ... Collateral damage ... Our brother The Courge has just surrendered without even trying to fight, it's ok den :


Are you French BTW Scourge ? :p

What The World Needs Now

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No not just for some but for everyone

Lord we don't need another mountain
There are mountains and hillsides
Enough to climb
There are oceans and rivers
Enough to cross. enough to last
'Till the end of time

Lord we don't need another meadow
There are corn fields and wheat fields
Enough to grow
There are sun beams and moon beams
Enough to shine
Oh listen Lord if you want to know

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
What the world needs now