Shit talking, backstabbing and WAR TIME LIKE

The fighting resumes, a silence looms the swordsmen move 'gainst each other
A cut and a thrust, a parry, a blow, a stab to the heart and you're down
The Angel of Death hears your last breath
Meanwhile the Reaper looks on.
Those who laugh and crowd the path and cut
each other's throats
We'll fall like melting snow
They'll watch us rise with fire in our eyes
They'll bow their heads
Their hearts will hang low
Then we'll laugh and they will kneel and know
this heart of steel was
Too hard to break
Too hard to hold

cedarbreed said:
Oh wait wait wait ... Collateral damage ... Our brother The Courge has just surrendered without even trying to fight, it's ok den :


Are you French BTW Scourge ? :p

Hehe, hey, I never OFFICIALLY surrendered, I just got scared by Dragonlady's sword. This whole warmongering thing is starting feel warm and fuzzy. Oh, and I am not French. If I were, I probably would have surrendered before the battle even started :)
The Scourge said:
Hehe, hey, I never OFFICIALLY surrendered, I just got scared by Dragonlady's sword. This whole warmongering thing is starting feel warm and fuzzy. Oh, and I am not French. If I were, I probably would have surrendered before the battle even started :)

That what you did actually, hence my question :p
No no no...... lets try that again. but this time look into the picture.....


no say with me... peace good...war bad ... peace good...war bad ... peace good...war bad and so on and so forth.
so... is there going to be a real fight??, cause i feel like fighting. (however i only once hit someone in my life,... the bitch!!)