Shooting at Damageplan show, two band members dead

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Seriously, guys. Blaphbee is one of Prozak's minions, and the Anusites live for this shit. Just ignore him. He probably secretly likes The Great Southern Trendkill anyway.
I propse we write some form of eulogy to send either around the net, or to his family.
although it probably isnt what they want but fuck. some for of memorial must take place.
ive heard rumors (as someone already mentioned here) about anselmo being involved in this somehow. I seriously doubt he had anything to do with it... but ya never know. hes a fucking smack head and coulda been in some drug binge and hired someone to do it. VERY doubtful, but ya never know.

I always figured anselmo would be the first one to die out of the pantera group, and die much much sooner than any of the other guys. Its a shame the ones with tallent die, and the ego driven, no talent asshat (that would be phil for those not paying attention) lives and continues to make shitty records.
Band that stupid cunt Blaphbee, even if you dont like the music he was a person and didnt deserve to die, you are a stupid fucking cunt i hope you get hit by a car. Dimebag was one of the most infulencial and amazing guitarists EVER aswell as a great person, Dimebag you will be sorely missed R.I.P.
Pyrus said:
He probably secretly likes The Great Southern Trendkill anyway.

It's probably also safe to say that 90% of all the black and death metal hard ass kids on this board also love that album and were into Pantera and loved their music before they started worshipping their favorite "extreme tr00" bands. Too bad most of them are too fucking ashamed to admit it now. I can understand though, seeing as how there are about a hundred other kids here trying to uphold the status of "Elite Metal God Killer of Posers". You guys wouldn't want any of your friends to see how fake you are now would you?

Oh well, I'm sure we'll hear plenty from them in future posts stating that Pantera were Exhorder rip-offs and such.
Er, they WERE Exhorder ripoffs.

I don't want to get into another Pantera quality debate, especially not in this thread, but this is what I'm talking about when I say "Nirvana Effect." Dimebag's death is a tragedy, but let's not use it to elevate Pantera beyond what they were. My sympathy is for the friends and family of Darrell Abbott the person, not Diamond/Dimebag Darrell the musician.
I remember seeing panter in vancouver 2001 ( panteras 5th last concert i guess ever and the last with slayer) still the best concert i have ever seen. Pantera being one of my favourite bands this news comes to a great shock. Who the hell would ever do that to anybody, dimebag was just doing what he loved to do. Just watch the PAntera DVDS he was all about just having fun and enjoying life. I was really looking forward to the next DamagePlans next record who Dimebag said would closely resemble pantera more than the first Damageplan record. I Cant imagine being on stage then you life just ending like that. I feel sorry for the killers family or anyone closely related to him because you know they are some people who will make them pay for this. This is a serious blow to the metal community.

RIP Darrell Lance Abbot August 20,1966 - December 8,2004
One of my friends found this post on the Damageplan message board from a kid who was at the show:

all i can say is holy crap!! that was such a freakin' nightmare... i don't ever want to be a part of anything like that again... i'm still shaking.... i don't even know what to say...

i was up close to the stage on the side where DBD was playing.... then i saw the guy jump out of the crwod onto the stage... he was yelling something about how "you broke up pantera.... you ruined my life.... what about phil??? he needs heroin money..." or something like that then i saw the gun and he shot DBD right in the head... when DBD went down he kept shooting... then he turned around for bobzilla then vinnie... teh hole time i thought it was part of the show... i had blood on me i was so close... i'm still freakin' out here...

after he turned around and kept shooting i was gone... i swear i almost crapped my pants... it was ####' crazy as ####... people were totally messed up outside... i was standing next to this one chick and she was crying and couldn't stop... she fell on the ground and it was like she was possesed or something... dude it was so kayotic its not even funny... the cops showed up and then people started sayin' that DBD was killed... then people started freaking out even more...

i can't belive this happend... its so crazy... its totally unreal and there's no way to describe how messed up i am right now
Necroscythe said:
wow this is so sad, even if you didn't like pantera or dimebag or whatever it still sad

Yeah, but it's still extremely important to note and to remember that Pantera WERE Exhorder rip-offs as stated by Pyrus. I'm sure glad we have people around here like him who know their metal as much as he does.

Now, who is going to point out that fact that they wore makeup and played glam metal in the mid-eighties? Any takers?
Chasm said:
Yeah, but it's still extremely important to note and to remember that Pantera WERE Exhorder rip-offs as stated by Pyrus. I'm sure glad we have people around here like him who know their metal as much as he does.
You're the one who brought it up in the first place, man. I'm doing my part to try and prevent the canonization of a lackluster band.

Necroscythe said:
I hope they catch that motherfucker anselmo and beat the shit out of him even if he;s not envolved.
I actually agree with you on this, but for completely different reasons.

Anyway, latest news is that vocalist/ex-Halford guitarist Patrick Lachman is dead. That's a fucking shame.
This shit depresses me....dimebag is the reason I got into metal...why did this have to happen to him...of all fucking people.

I wish I was cool like all the jackass's that make fun of his career now that he's dead. Go you guys. :|
I never was a big fan of Pantera (mainly because of their stupid, macho, cagemonkey-fans) but I can´t deny that Dimebag had a big impact on the metalworld (despite the band hiding their glam past and ripping off Exhorder). A tragedy... Í´m looking forward for some info about the cagemonkey who gunned them down.
Pyrus said:
You're the one who brought it up in the first place, man. I'm doing my part to try and prevent the canonization of a lackluster band.

I was just indirectly responding to comments made by some idiot. I agree with you that this is probably going to be blown up to hell and make Pantera look like legends, but you can't deny the impact Dime had on the metal scene and also literally thousands of fans that picked up a guitar to learn to play.

Either way, like you said, this should be about Dime, his fans and his family and friends who are all having to live with this shit right now.
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