Shooting at Damageplan show, two band members dead

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Still can't believe this happened. Words escape me... R.I.P. Dimebag. Thanks for the music you have given me and so many others.
It is totally mind boggling that security let this prick in with a gun. Dimebag get's blown away. Why not go after Phil if you're so pissed off about the Pantera break up? This is a total black day.

P.S Guardian...You're an apathetic asshole.
AjDeath said:
GoD- You are the dumbest kid I have ever talked with, if barely.
Agreed, his post was as stupid as Blaphbee's.

I'm not the biggest Pantera fan, but it is a shame that he died in such a violent way. No one deserves this kind of fate. RIP man. Condoleances to the family and friends.
"You can't always get what you want,
But if you try sometime,
You get what you need."
- Rolling Stones

"And in the end, the love you take
is equal to the love you make."
-The Beatles

Some people would note that while people don't always get what they want, they usually get what they need, and in the end, what they earn or deserve.

"Dimebag" Darrell's shooting death looks like an act by a very deranged man -- (probably a religious nut like the guy who killed John Lennon on December 8, 1980). I hope that Darrell Abbot was not receiving what he had 'earned', and I do not think that the others killed in COlumbus Ohio were anything but innocent victims. However, the gunman definitely got what he deserved -- from the police.

The untimely and ultra-violent end to Darell Abbot, Damageplan,, appears to be an extreme example of a 'Heavy metal attitude' ricochet. I'm not sure what the full story and details are, but this does not seem to be a 'random act of senseless violence'; it appears to have been a deliberate, and perhaps even a planned, action by a completely psychotic person. Maybe I'd better ask the bands that I'm videotaping for TV in the next few weeks if they have 'really pissed off' anyone lately -- if so, my crew and I may need to invest in some bulletproof body armor.

Several years ago, there was a "joke" skit on Saturday Night Live in which a record executive tells Peter Frampton that he's being dumped by the record company due to poor product sales. The executive says that he's sorry to bring bad news, but offers soem upbreat advice: Peter Frampton can revive his 'career' and sell millions of records, by dying on stage. The executive means really DYING, not just putting on a lousy show. The executive shows charte of record sales by Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Presley, Jim Morrison and several other dead rock stars to demonstrate the validity of his plan.

Peter Frampton decides that being dumped by the record company is not so bad after all, and refuses the executive's proposition.

Life imitates fantasy 'entertainment' here: Pantera product sales have exploded in the aftermath, and sales of Damageplan's commercial product line (which had been minimal) look like they're going to give the band at least a Platinum album (New Found Power), if not a amulti-platinum item.

For the record, I liked most of PANTERA's output, but was not sure about DAMAGE PLAN.
I notice that plenty of you aren't showing any respect for the shooter. Double standards, methinks. If someone YOU don't respect dies you don't have to care, but if someone I don't respect dies it's "stupid" for me not to.
Guardian of Darkness said:
I notice that plenty of you aren't showing any respect for the shooter. Double standards, methinks. If someone YOU don't respect dies you don't have to care, but if someone I don't respect dies it's "stupid" for me not to.
Respect for the shooter? I am supposed to respect someone who just murdered someone, and because I don't I am a bad person. Fuck you. Man, things that you say really show me that intelligence is not your forte'.

And I suppose you are going to close this thread now.
I'm sure the shooter expected to die, and if not, he deserved it. There is no justification for Abbott's death, though, hence, people actually giving a shit about losing him. If you were to say that more people should be sympathizing for the others murdered by said shooter, I might agree with you, but I think it's pretty obvious why one would not respect the murderer equally with the victim. Especially since there is no valid motive.
Guardian of your own self-imposed virginity...How in the blue hell did we allow you to become moderator? BlizzardofOz was right, you are a Fag! You obviously don't have a caring bone in your body. But that's what getting rejected time and time again by your female peers will do for a man eh? Fear not, for homosexuality is always an avenue, and I'm most certain DE would oblige. You two disproportionately dimwitted dignataries of dystrophy can ride off into the sunset with one another.
Guardian Of Darkness, your statements are illogical and senseless. It's apparent that you couldn't truly care about any of the victims in this case, because you're just too "metal" or whatever to show any compassion. Whether or not someone is a fan of the band or not has nothing to do with being able to understand the unnecessary tragedy of something like this, no matter what kind of music style was involved. You don't have to have respect for someone's music they created or anything to realise that this was a tragedy....

You're now trying to claim it's a double standard because people aren't showing respect for the shooter? That's such a load of nonsense. The man killed innocent people, period. The gunman was shot and killed, but he was obviously NOT innocent.

People that I know got hurt at this show, and to me, you're just another disrespectful dickhead who wants to try and show how independant and "dark" you are by making such inane comments. If you really had any sense of maturity and guts, you'd either be respectful about this irregardless of what you think of the band and their music, or you'd just keep quiet altogether. People come together on threads like this as a means of supporting one another when a tragedy like this occurs, and to offer condolensces and hails. Noone asked for your negative input on this, and it's plain to see that most here think you're a jerkoff. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and go somewhere else with your nonsense.
GoD you're a little out there on this issue I must say brother. Respect is earned. Shooting someone in cold blood deserves no respect in the slightest. I can pray for that person's soul but...respect is another issue. When someone gets gunned down in cold blood...whether I like the person, whether it is a person I know or not, I can only feel sad and disgusted. The fact that we have a Metal community here, and that anyone who is "Metal" knows who Dimebag is and what he has accomplished...that alone is deserving in respect, whether you liked his body of work or not. The fact that he was gunned down while performing something he loved to do... respect in the highest. Noone deserves that.
no respect for the shooter. NONE. that police officer sent him straight to hell where he belongs.

i believe no man has the right to take another's life, though sadly in this twisted world sometimes (as it was shown last night) someone like that cop has to kill to save others. truly a sad day.

i was by no means Dime's biggest fan, but i have the utmost respect for him for doing what he enjoyed. as Deron said, no one deserves to die on stage doing what they love. Nor the audience members who came to listen to the music they loved.

that shooter took away a degree of happiness from this world, and for that i condemn him.

RIP Dime, and all the others who were killed...
Guardian of Darkness said:
I notice that plenty of you aren't showing any respect for the shooter. Double standards, methinks. If someone YOU don't respect dies you don't have to care, but if someone I don't respect dies it's "stupid" for me not to.
I think it's more about the regard for the loss of innocent human life, rather than respect.
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