Haha well... thanks, I guessJipchen, your studio looks so clean and surgical. I bet i could do a operation in there and it would be sterile enough lol. But for real your studio is coming together perfect. I love all of your guy's room's

I'll go with black wood spacers (as a design element), and I hope the walls will look similar to Jens Bogren's studio (http://www.fascinationstreet.se/recordings/#/gallery <- the picture named "studio room")
ThanksThis looks great. Where did you get thar desk? I'm building one just like it.

I saw your thread and the desk you're building is awesome! In fact, I nearly bought the "Duodesk 60" you linked in your OP

But this one was quite a bit cheaper and not as big.
By the way, regarding your screw-problem: Perhaps you could do it like Wave Nature did it with this desk: Mount the tabletop with dowels onto the rest of the desk? I know you've built it with screws so far, but a single piece as tabletop (perhaps even with some nice wood and not painted black/otherwise) could work and you wouldn't have to deal with small holes for the screws.