Show us your studio 2011 [room / racks / backline]

Haha yeah, I'm currently building my own studio.. it's 100fold more work than one would imagine :waah: Didn't know you already had plans on (more) acoustic treatment, I just felt like mentioning it because the studio looks really cool - I especially envy you for the big liveroom :rock:

Hey thanks! other than the carpet i like the way it looks too haha. :D I've seen that first link before (with the step by step frame building with the staple gun etc) Just haven't broken down and done it yet because I can't find fabric in "blood red" haha. Also, i 100% agree, there was so much that went into this and it's still far from done, the door that you see off the live room with a window on it is the iso booth... and... it's pretty much storage right now haha!
Really diggin' both rooms above my post. Awesome mood (yet very different)!. I really need a lava lamp :lol:

Here's my new controlroom. It's actually a lot bigger than it seems ( 25 square meters) and you can just see the desk obviously.
Still not finished but getting there. And I already love it :)
Really diggin' both rooms above my post. Awesome mood (yet very different)!. I really need a lava lamp :lol:

Here's my new controlroom. It's actually a lot bigger than it seems ( 25 square meters) and you can just see the desk obviously.
Still not finished but getting there. And I already love it :)

This looks great. Where did you get thar desk? I'm building one just like it.