Show us your studio 2011 [room / racks / backline]

Yeah, I posted things a while ago, but we just doubled the live room this past week. Things were way too cramped to do drums. I can actually accommodate a full band now. And the desk went in about about 2 months ago. I thought the desk would cramp the control room, but I think it fits nicely.
Control Room

Live Room


Cabs and stuff


Looking down to the control room

Studio guitars


Super clean and classy! I'd love to have a place half as nice as that!
Yeah, I posted things a while ago, but we just doubled the live room this past week. Things were way too cramped to do drums. I can actually accommodate a full band now. And the desk went in about about 2 months ago. I thought the desk would cramp the control room, but I think it fits nicely.

Alex i love your place bro! Might even go as far as to say i'm a little Jealous.
Alex i love your place bro! Might even go as far as to say i'm a little Jealous.

Thanks dude! It's almost putting out mixes as brutal as yours. Next up is vaulted ceilings in the live room. I know a contractor that I do recording for so I'm gonna trade them a full length for the work, haha.

Such a waste if you have more then one 5150. Better to buy another amp then have 2 that sounds 95% the same.

Cool pick though :)
One isn't his. It was just there so he added it to look epic. haha.

Imagine the rigs you could build with that though. Mesa and 5150 on each side of the stage. Wowee.
End of 2011 my rack looks like this.


Don't have good pics of the rest of the room with the new monitors. I've to sell the firepods and get a new 8 channel pre and maybe another pre or 2 for the analogue in's on the FF800. I'm selling the 2u rack in the pic and getting most likely an 8u to put all the comps, gates, pres and interface into. All the guitar gear will go into the bottom rack then.

When I do that I'm getting a photographer to come in and take good pics for pushing my services next year.
Well, I've just started but here's mine. I don't even feel worthy of this thread, but here goes:


Not pictured is obviously my Krank half-stack, and currently busy on converting the closet in this room to a makeshift isolation booth for guitar/bass and perhaps vocals one day when I get the courage.
New desk this week, finally moved my setup out of the corner it was in.....Not as nice/big/pro as a lot of the setups here (this is really only a hobby for me, my real job pays my bills & feeds us......maybe someday though.....), but it's all mine, & all paid for (these are the BX8's I got from Wolfeman btw.....)....:D

i built my studio around a xps 9100, i maxed it out with just about the best everything and i think it cost me about 2000. it is intimidating, nothing wrong with going with a dell. i recommend this computer
If I were you, I wouldn't go with a Dell. I had an Alienware M14X R1 and had so many issues with it (I think I even had more issues then my brother and his HP Envy lol). Alienware is a gaming system and used to be one of the best out there...that was until Dell bought them off (which I didn't know until it was too late unfortunately). My pops owns a shipping company and Dells along with Gateways are the two computer companies of computers he always seemed to have to ship back due to defects of the computers. Also Dell's customer service sucks and so does their warrenties (I based this off my own personal experience). I know my response is really late but hopefully it's helpful to others whom are thinking about going with a dell as their computer monitors for music production.