Show us your studio 2011 [room / racks / backline]

What all did you do to restore it and how long did it take?
Replaced 5 bad pots, completely cleaned an lubed everything that moved including the sockets inside, replaced all IC chips, checked the recap job done before us, replaced all VU bulbs with green LED's, fixed a cracked power plug. It's an ongoing process as stuff comes up but to get it completely running and fine only took a whole week's worth of time. These are simple designs so it was easy. Lots of fun too!

Horizontal HS-50's? :err:
Damn dude I havent seen you here in two years. I bought your KRK 8's from you hahah.

ha Hey Man,:wave:
I've kinda been lurking on and off but not posting. I took a break from recording for a while and took care of some life stuff.

I've been back for a bit now and there's so much more I gotta catch up on!

I'm getting my space together since I moved to a new house. It's nothing like some of these guys have but its suiting me so far. I can't wait to get to work.
I'll post some pics soon.

How have the KRK's been for you? Those were a bitch to ship!
yes I prefer them that way. If I lean back in my chair I don't lose the highs.

While I was shopping for my new monitors (settled with Dynaudio) I read in several different reputable places that speakers are designed to be be EITHER horizontal OR vertical. If you lie a speaker down it changes the phase relationship between the driver and tweeter and as a result effects the dispertion of the sound. It puts the tweeter at a distance further from your ear than if it were standing but the bass driver will be in much the same position hence causing phase/allignment issues.
For what its worth, I experimented with placing my speakers on their side and it made a noticable difference for the worse.