Show us your studio 2011 [room / racks / backline]

I moved into this house a few months ago. I got the attic for my mix space.

The decor is from the '60's.... I call it "The Ski Lodge" :)


I have a lot of gear upgrading to do most of my stuff is at least 5 years old. That will come with time.

I'm definitely envious of some of the spaces I've seen on here!

Thanks guys :kickass:

I'm embracing the vintage vibe of the room. It actually isn't a bad mix room either. The sound travels straight back. I have minimal reflections from the ceiling. I think once I treat the area around my monitors I should be good to go.

Hopefully I can get it tightened up well and have some mixes to post soon.
Kind of a crappy stitch, but here's my setup. My wife gave me a room all to myself, and I track drums/guitar/vocals in the living room just outside this room. I still have some treating to do above the mix position (I have the panels, just being lazy about hanging them). Also going to make an RPG diffusor for the rear wall.



There's some amazing setups on here. I've wasted a good amount of time at work today looking through them.