Sidetrack weight loss thread... Seeking work out buddies?

So I've been reading about everyone working on losing weight. Although I'm a few weeks into my marathon training- I wouldn't mind having a work out buddy...

Anyone interested in being a long distance work out buddy?

I'll be taking it slow this week per my DR because of the nasty fall I took at work, so for those just starting, we'd be on par. :)

I hate to be the one to do this, but why does this sound stupid to me? I thought the only point in having a work out buddy was to have someone there for you to chat or distract you while you're actually working out. A lot of people don't work out simply because it's "boring when you're by yourself," so I'm missing the point of the long-distance thing...

Am I just not getting it?
The idea was to have someone, even long distance to have chat with about your struggles with working out and help keep you on track for your goals. *Shrug* I prefer working out alone as I am able to do what I want and really focus on proper techniques, however I wouldn't mind somone to bounce ideas etc off.

Personally, if I know I'd have to own up to slacking off, I'm less likely to do it. I tell people (buddies, co-workers, etc.) what I'm doing so that I can try to sort of get that effect. I'm with you, Metal, I prefer to work out alone, though I do make Urban go walking with me when he's here.

What works for some folks don't work for others. *shrug*

Call me anytime, sugar, but you'll have to call me at home for the time being--I'm working out work cell phone issues. Will PM you my home #.

The idea was to have someone, even long distance to have chat with about your struggles with working out and help keep you on track for your goals. *Shrug* I prefer working out alone as I am able to do what I want and really focus on proper techniques, however I wouldn't mind somone to bounce ideas etc off.


This is a good idea. I work out at alone at home (bike, treadmill, and some other stuff), and need someone to discuss this stuff with, even if it's just someone that will yell at me for not exercising! Anyone that's interested, let me know...
