Sig sizes

i would, if i could resize mine. but i dont have image hosting abilities at the moment. so, if deron wants to resize it and stick it in my sig, cool. if not, youll have to wait until i a) get bored with it or b) get back to the states in november
Signatures are for losers.

Also, does the Premium Membership remove ads? I am not actually clear on what it does anymore nowadays. I remember you used to get a special icon next to your name and stuff like that. But giving members an ad-free version of the site seems like it would be a good idea to me (and it's a business model successfully employed by many free content websites).
Signatures are for losers.

Also, does the Premium Membership remove ads? I am not actually clear on what it does anymore nowadays. I remember you used to get a special icon next to your name and stuff like that. But giving members an ad-free version of the site seems like it would be a good idea to me (and it's a business model successfully employed by many free content websites).

I've thought about it, but I don't know what would be a fair yearly/monthly price to do that to be honest. I'm not against it but it would have to balance out $4 wise while not "sticking it" to people either.

I am working up new incentives for premium memberships and those will return in force before years end.

Serious question (hah!) what would you comfortably pay (what do you personally think is fair) to be ad free?

Put another way, what would you pay without thinking twice to see no ads?

Also, do you (you = whoever is reading this) ever enjoy seeing cool ads promoting new music and releases? Would you be happier with more direct ads (metal/music related) vs. Google ads?
I wouldn't pay for (required) membership to any message board, regardless of the absence of ads.

The only time I might would be if I really enjoyed the community atmosphere and couldn't see myself cutting off all contact with people there.
In case there was confusion - membership would not be required for the site (ever). It would only be an incentive if you wanted to eliminate ads.

Well, if purchasing a full membership here would eliminate ads, I might consider purchasing one.

Also: Do you allow purchasing memberships via PayPal?
Also, do you (you = whoever is reading this) ever enjoy seeing cool ads promoting new music and releases? Would you be happier with more direct ads (metal/music related) vs. Google ads?

the music ads are great. i didnt even know the new demiricous album was coming out so soon until i saw the banner yesterday.

but this 4 fame thing needs to go.

i would pay maybe $20 a year for a premium membership to avoid ads like 4 fame. i rather like the metal ones though. so, if you want my money, switch to google ads :lol:
Serious question (hah!) what would you comfortably pay (what do you personally think is fair) to be ad free?

Put another way, what would you pay without thinking twice to see no ads?

Also, do you (you = whoever is reading this) ever enjoy seeing cool ads promoting new music and releases? Would you be happier with more direct ads (metal/music related) vs. Google ads?

Yeah, I probably would pay to be ad free. Depends on how much though. Also, music related ads would be better.
If the HTML required to shrink the video in my sig to the right size was allowed then I would do it.