I would do, but only you would buy it and the profits wouldn't be enough to compensate for the fact that I would most likely get sued by the church, the government, the RSPCA, Royalmail, Centurymedia, NuclearBlast and Nik Sundin's family...Rincewind said:946: KC should definitely write a book about DT's "special events"
6 Stringed Fingers said:929: DT might be the one to post the 1000th fact.
UndoControl said:Fact #950 (and versicle 2:2 of the DT Bible):
And then, on the three-hundred-and-sixty-second day of the seventeenth year since the Creation, all Dark Tranquillity fans did set out to write one thousand facts about the holy band. So great was the endeavor that one Dark Tranquillity member got involved. This is what was said:
"They all seemed straight to me," said King Chaos, referring to the members of Dark Tranquillity. And then, upon being asked about the sexual orientations of God or Big Bang's creations, namely after being asked whether a Dark Tranquillity member was gay, he proceeded: "And no, don't ruin it for me... let me pretend... it's Brändström."
And then King Chaos did press the matter further by saying: "If any of the members of Dark Tranquillity were allergic to seafood, it would be Brändström. Doesn't he just look like the type of guy who has seafood allergies? Lobster is like kryptonite to him."
And Brändström was furious. But King Chaos still spoke more against God or Big Bang's breath: "Anders Jivarp can fire an arrow from a bow farther than most men could shoot a buller from a gun," including Brändström in those unfortunate men who allegedly cannot fire a bullet farther than God's arms can fire an arrow.
And so Brändström, in his infinite fury, inquired: "What the hell?"
And indeed UndoControl acknowledged Brändström's anger by remarking: "Wow, King Chaos. You really did it this time. Martin will have your guts for dinner!"
And so, with inexpressable embarrassment, King Chaos affirmed that he would give Martin Brändström a gift symbolic of his most sincere apology. But UndoControl did come to the conclusion that King Chaos was in love with Brändström.
6 Stringed Fingers said:951(just trying not to spam with the bible):
1: Genesis
So God has created the world, time flows in its rivers and oceans, the dawn breaks and the dusk falls, the four elements interweave, forming all matters, some of which become the basis for life, and all beings were in motion. The men rise among the animals and build their kingdom of stones. All seems prosperous
But God was yet to be pleased. Men have only seen one face of beauty, the one ofwhich she is the most proud, the one which is lit buy the light of day. But that is only the veil of beauty. Undernear that gorgeous piece of cloth is the true face of beauty, hidden in the shadow of eternity and commencement, unseen for the human eye. It is the face of chaos, the face of void, the face of darkness.
God decides to present to men the truth in beauty. But he's afraid, afraid of the reactions men would have against the unseemly nature of beauty. Yet it is the true nature of Art, of creation. He doesn't want to cause fear among his children, so he created, from his own essence, 6 humans as his messengers:
Stanne as his voice
Fridèn as his tongue (which will be a fallen God, kinda hate to reveal the punch, but if I don't, I'll get flamed. XD)
Jivarp as his arms
Henriksson as his ears
Sundin as his eyes
and Brändström as his breath.
(the rest of the band members would ascend into god-hood from humans)
At their birth, God ordered his minions, the skydancers, keepers of the eternal night, to carry the 6 new souls to The City of Nightfall, one that is ever at dusk and on the edge of Horizon. There reside the choosen people of God, where the 6 souls would be raised, untainted by the world of men.
(tell me the typos in it)
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:It was quite amazing that when the konzert started only 150- were there. 150- FUCKIN PEOPLE FOR FUCKING DISMEMBER!!!.
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:Opeth will probably come here too, but I don't like Opeth. At all. As a matter, of fact, I hate it.
Traveler In Time said:Ha, i didn't went to the show but some friends told me that the crowd was short...
Tritonus said:But wait. I thought Stanne was god..... How does that work. Did god create himself and his voise on the first day?