Significantly more than 1000 things you've noticed about Dark Tranquillity -

156. Niklas Sundin seems to be a prolific picture taker during tours.
157. Dark Tranquillity is entirely formed of artists, not performers. (huge difference)
King Chaos said:
160 - If Mikael Stanne had no hair or beard he'd be Moby.

It's actually true! So he's some kind of evil twin brother I guess...
Oh, and the simple thought of having Moby fronting DT made me have a slight coma.
159.2 - Well, we've gotten to 160 without repeating a single thing, so i don't see why we shouldn't be able to keep up the good work..

161 - DT has released three reissues ("The mind's i", "The gallery", and a "Tranquillity cassette" with "Trail of life decayed" and "A moonclad reflection").

162 - Century Media released another DT reissue (it was actually before the three DT released) "so USA fans could get ahold of their earlier stuff".
Don't worry, when we're done you can make a new thread called "another 1000 things you noticed about DT".

164 - Mikael posts rather infrequently on DT's board.

165 - Mikael's favorite track seems to be "Zodijackyl light" (and i'm not just saying it because of his username on the forum).

166 - Niklas has released a book called "Codfish".

167 - The band members seem to like latin (the language) a lot.

168 - "Haven" was the last album Mikael did clean vocals on.
170 - None of the band members worship satan.
171 - On a recent documentary entitled "Deathmetal Murders" in the UK DT were depicted as a satanic band that encourages children to mame and destroy their mates in the name of satan. HAHAHA!
172 - DT should have set fire to channel four or BBC (can't remember which, so burn both) studios for saying so!
173 - I actually don't know who could throw a javelin furthest in the band (probably Jivarp) but...
174 - I do know if all the band jumped out of a plane at the same time Mikael Stanne would be last to hit the ground.
175 - And Niklas undoubtebly holds the highest scores on Space Invaders, Pack Man and Tetris. Much to Nicklasson's Dissmay.
King Chaos said:
170 - None of the band members worship satan.
176 - None of the band members have their hair painted bright blue. ;)

King Chaos said:
175 - And Niklas undoubtebly holds the highest scores on Space Invaders, Pack Man and Tetris. Much to Nicklasson's Dissmay.
175.1 - It's PacMan, not Pack Man. ;)

177 - Judging from what i've read on this board, all DT members are very friendly.

178 - They all love beer.